Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Weird Sex from the God Squad

Uh, if you can stand it, read the entire post. It explains in some detail a really creepy aspect certain religious "movements." I definitely "ditto" Eskow's take on the whole thing.

The Blog | RJ Eskow: In Their God's World, It's Not Just Her Heart That Belongs to Daddy | The Huffington Post:

Via Atrios we came across Digby's coverage of the so-called father/daughter 'purity balls.' Little Fundamentalist Christian girls pledge to 'give themselves (meaning their virginity) as a wedding gift to their husband,' while the dads vow 'to cover my daughter as her authority and protection in the area of purity ... as I lead, guide and pray over my daughter and as the high priest in my home.'

As the father of a wonderful grown daughter, may I say from the bottom of my heart: 'Ewww!' Her mother and I (and later, her stepmother) raised her to respect herself, to have pride in her accomplishments, and to make her own decisions in life."

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