Saturday, December 09, 2006

NARAL Selling Out

Hullabaloo: ". . .I'm a good Democrat and I'm also someone who likes to think strategically. As I argued above, I think it's a huge mistake for advocacy groups that represent fundamental rights to ever negotiate (leave that to the politicians.) But I could theoretically support any strategy that would ensure a woman's right to choose. On the substance, however, this is no more subject to compromise to me than habeas corpus or torture or slavery. It defines what it is to be an autonomous human being. If every woman in this country doesn't own her own body then she is not free.

I've never trusted politicians on this issue and now it looks like we can't trust one of the premier pro-choice advocacy groups either. They are no longer effective. But there are plenty of others that can use my money and I'll be sending it to them rather than NARAL from now on. We need savvy people doing this right now."

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