Friday, April 20, 2007

Playing With Your Navel

Crunchy Con: Cho and the moral imagination - Rod Dreher, Conservative blog, Beliefnet conservative politics and religion blog: "...This is what you get too from a society that tolerates all manner of lurid, explicit violence in its visual art, and forbids nothing except the impulse to forbid. I don't think for a minute that everyone who watches slasher films, or who plays violent video games, or who reads sadistic novels, or who listens to violent music, will turn out to be Klebold, Harris or Cho. Clearly that's not the case, and it would be stupid to claim that. But when we have no taboos on the nihilistic and violent in our art, when we live in a culture in which hearts and minds marinate in this acid, we lose our ability to recognize the abnormal and the threatening. We become desensitized to the culture of death. By numbing our own collective moral imagination, we prepare the way for our own perishing."

My mom told me it was comic books...

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