Friday, September 04, 2009

Advice For Obama And Advice For Advisers

What Obama should say to Congress on Wednesday: "...I'm not President of the Democratic Party, I'm President of the whole country. The left-wing pundits say the goal is to get reform, and they apply a narrow litmus test for what constitutes reform. To them, if that means the Senate has to pass a bill with 51 votes, so be it. I know 51 votes is all that's technically required, but personally that's unacceptable to me. We're talking about the biggest domestic policy change in a generation. I want 60 senators to embrace a common vision. I believe in the importance of a public option. But I'm not going to let it stand in the way of getting a good bill..."

What nonsense! Sixty votes? Since when does the winning party set a new majority rule for itself? Again a problem with limp Dems. The GOPers have never had a problem ramming a one vote law down anyone's throat, and as far as serious consequences go, what could be more serious than an unnecessary war and pissing away a trillion dollar surplus? The GOP is not going to support anything that in any harms its base-- the rich, which nowdays basically means insurance companies and their majority stockholders.

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