Saturday, December 05, 2009

Giving Vampires Less Blood

Today’s AYFKM? Award: Senate Dems To Limit Insurance Execs Pay: "...How big a leap is it from “curb the pay of executives at health insurance companies that benefit from federal subsidies” to curb the pay of all executives at health insurance companies, to curb the pay of all executives, period? I mean we “let them” start down this particular slippery slope of manure with the financial industry, so don’t you dare be putting the blame anywhere else than exactly where it needs to be placed; liberal democrats, republicans that walked hand in hand with their progressive socialist democrat brethren, Barack Obama, and George Bush who said, “I’ve abandoned free market principles to save the free market system” (AYFKM?!!). I would include the rest of us in the blame, but we actually are that small percentage that has always had their heads screwed on straight, knows how to stick to a budget, and were against all the bailouts and freebies that both Bush and Obama have been tossing like moldy bread out to the roman crowd.

No bone in my body has any sympathy for the executive class, which has become just another nobility feeding off the blood, tears, and sweat of the common man. Social Darwinism at one time was used extensively to justify the overcompensation of one class at the expense of all others, and some people still think genetic markers determine wealth as opposed to say-- luck. But that's all beside the point, really. If we're concerned about the survival of this country, we need to be concerned about those things that could ultimately tear us apart, and nothing matches the annual spectacle of the richest Americans crying and whining for more tax breaks and now tax bailouts. Eventually, the great mass of the screwed will explode, with sometimes horrific results (see the French Revolution for an example). The "slippery slope" argument is often used to justify a continuing unfair practice, but it's a far stretch from limiting executive compensation for those people who took our tax money to government controls over all wages. If you don't like our rules, then don't take our money.

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