Friday, April 30, 2010
Ahnold Goes For Ocare
Banning Ethnic Studies
The bill, which passed 32-26 in the state House, had been approved by the Senate a day earlier. It now goes to Gov. Jan Brewer for her signature..."
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Daily Raps Apple
The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart Bags on Apple Over Gizmodo Warrant | News | The Mac Observer
"...Mr. Stewart was referring to a search warrant that local law enforcement officials executed about a week ago at the home of Gizmodo editor Jason Chen in Santa Clara, California. Officials impounded computers, an iPhone, bank records and more as part of what appears to be a criminal investigation into Gizmodo’s purchase of a fourth generation iPhone prototype that an Apple engineer lost in a bar.
Gizmodo and its parent company, Gawker Media, along with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, claim that the warrant was invalid because California law protects journalists from search warrants.
There has also been concern over Apple’s involvement on the advisory board for the local police task force that investigates computer-related crimes. Participating on the advisory board, just as many other Silicon Valley tech companies do, doesn’t mean a company has the power to use the task force as their own little army to kick in doors and take computers — even a company as big as Apple..."
Welcome To The Bus Undercarriage
Analysis: Crist decision sets up entertaining, unpredictable race - "Florida Gov. Charlie Crist's decision to abandon the Republican Party and run for Senate as an independent, expected to be made official at a St. Petersburg campaign event Thursday, marks a stunning turnaround for a politician who just over a year ago was heralded as one of the GOP's brightest young talents..."
Military To Fight Spill
BBC News - US military joins Gulf of Mexico oil spill effort:
" BP's Doug Suttles and Rear Admiral Mary Landry gave an update on the crisis [saying that]
The US military has joined efforts to stop an oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico as fears rise about its scale.
Five times as much oil as previously thought could be leaking from the well beneath where a rig exploded and sank last week, US officials said earlier.
The slick is 45 miles (72km) by 105 miles (169km) - almost the size of Jamaica - and heading for the US coast.
A third leak has been discovered, and a fire-fighting expert said the disaster may become the biggest oil spill ever..."Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Arizona Counterpoint
"If 70% of Arizonians support the Immigration bill, which means they are willing to show their identification if asked, what’s the problem? Who doesn’t carry identification all the time, anyway? I never leave home without my DL. And from what I understand of the law, the Police can’t profile, or just stop anyone without probable cause or legal contact. It is a secondary offense. Kind of like the seat belt laws in some states – you can’t be pulled over for not wearing a seat belt, but if you are pulled over for speeding or something, and you aren’t wearing the belt, you can get a ticket. The bill also targets those who hire illegal immigrant day laborers or knowingly transport them.
Many people are outraged about the bill, saying this infringes on the rights of all legal citizens, and is reminiscent of Nazi Germany. But I ask, are the rights of citizens in Arizona being more infringed upon by carrying the burden of 460,000 illegal immigrants, and living with dangerously high crime rates, or by showing ID if asked? (Personally, this seems like a good bill in this day and age of terrorism, as well…how many terrorists from 9/11 were here on expired visas?)..."
Lady Macbeth On White House Years
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
The Amazing GOP Hitler Figthers
"I never knew that! Isn’t it fascinating to learn new historical facts? I’ll bet Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was President of the United States during WWII, would be awfully surprised too, if he were still alive.
My dad served in WWII, and he wasn’t a Republican, but he was in the Pacific. I guess all the Republicans were busy liberating Europe.
Kristia Cavere, 31, a resident of Tuxedo, New York, is a new rising star in theThis is so crazy I'm not sure if I'm being spoofed or not.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Florida Hotel Caters To Racists
Hmmm. Miami. The South. Southern accents... sorta. Does that count?
Midterm Worries
"President Obama is declaring his stake in the November midterm elections, as his Democratic Party prepares to announce an ambitious strategy to appeal to independent voters in its quest to maintain control of Congress.
Obama plans to issue a call-to-action video message to his supporters on Monday. Democratic officials called the video the first in a series of personal efforts designed to rekindle the grass-roots momentum that propelled Obama to the presidency -- this time, in a way that will benefit his party's congressional and gubernatorial candidates..."
Sunday, April 25, 2010
DNA Rights And Wrongs
"...Acknowledging a desire to “remedy the wrong that was done,” the university’s Board of Regents on Tuesday agreed to pay $700,000 to 41 of the tribe’s members, return the blood samples and provide other forms of assistance to the impoverished Havasupai — a settlement that legal experts said was significant because it implied that the rights of research subjects can be violated when they are not fully informed about how their DNA might be used.
The case raised the question of whether scientists had taken advantage of a vulnerable population, and it created an image problem for a university eager to cast itself as a center for American Indian studies..."
More Local Obamagasm
Uh, no. I didn't drive over to herald his coming.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Socialist Benjamin
"The anti-Obama forces, it seems clear, are rooted in classic American know-nothing populism--nativist, isolationist, paranoid. Today's Exhibit A is from the Drudge Report, in which the newly designed $100 bill is slagged for, as the headline has it, "looking European." Drudge links to this report from Bloomberg, which describes the reasons for the new look:
The new look, aimed at thwarting counterfeiters, has several new security features, including a “3-D Security Ribbon” and an image of a bell on the front of the note that, when tilted, changes in color from copper to green. The reverse side of the bill includes a new vignette of Independence Hall in Philadelphia.
But...reasons? Rationality? Greater security against counterfeiters? Feh! It looks like a freakin' Euro, which means it must be a precursor of socialism. That Obama is one sneaky crypto-muslim..."
Porn Payback
"The reemergence of a Securities and Exchange Commission porn scandal may be political payback for the agency's fraud suit against Goldman Sachs, some officials suspect.
News of salacious Internet sex surfing by dozens of SEC supervisors actually broke months ago, but it got new life after the commission's April 16 vote to act against the financial powerhouse.
GOP lawmakers have loudly slammed the decision, government sources noted..."
Not Right Enough
"...No Democratic presidential candidate has carried Utah since Lyndon Johnson in the anti-Goldwater landslide of 1964. In 1968 normality was restored as the Democratic nominee, Hubert Humphrey, won 37 percent of the vote. Since then, the average GOP margin of victory has been 34.5 points. In 1992 Bill Clinton finished third in Utah with 25 percent, behind Ross Perot's 27 percent. In 2008 Barack Obama did better than any Democrat since Humphrey—with 35 percent. Utah has not elected a Democratic senator since 1958.
It will not elect one this year. And it might not give Bob Bennett a third term. The grandson of a president of the Mormon church and son of a four-term senator, Bennett is conservative enough to have earned an A grade from the National Rifle Association, a 98 percent rating from the Chamber of Commerce, and 84 percent from the American Conservative Union (ACU). He is, however, 76, an incumbent, and running third. The leading candidate is attorney Mike Lee, 38, who clerked for Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito when Alito was on the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. Lee's theme is Washington's indifference to constitutional limits..."
Enemy Of My Enemy
"Anti-U.S. Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr offered to help the Iraqi government maintain security after bomb attacks against Shi'ites killed 56 people in Baghdad in an apparent backlash by Sunni insurgents.
Sadr's offer of the use of his paramilitary Mehdi Army late Friday was made at a sensitive time for Iraq following a March election that produced no clear winner and left a power vacuum for insurgents to exploit..."
Friday, April 23, 2010
Pinging The Gaydar
"William Gheen, head of the conservative, anti-"amnesty," anti-illegal immigration group Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC), spoke at a Greenville, S.C. Tea Party rally this weekend and called for Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) to "come out of that log cabin closet."
According to Gheen, being gay is "a secret that Lindsey Graham has..."
Space Bird Launches
Air Force launches X-37B space plane | Military Tech - CNET News:
"With the launch Thursday of the X-37B spacecraft aboard an Atlas V rocket, the U.S. Air Force is taking a page from NASA's space shuttle program..."
Thursday, April 22, 2010
The VAT Con Continues
"Barack Obama is suggesting the Value Added Tax (VAT) as a revenue option for those of us just livin’ it up on our stagnant salaries. Yep, we just have tons and tons of disposable income, what with gas at $3.00/gallon and excise taxes on our frugal health bennies and our kids’ college funds running on empty.
How many times do we have to go through this with our cowardly and craven politicians? We want you to SOAK THE RICH. That is what you were elected to do in 2008. We are sick of squabbling over the shrinking slice of pie that the bonus class is throwing us. The day after Goldman-Sachs announced it’s whopping $3+ billion quarterly profit using money that we, the taxpayers, gave it through TARP, is not a good time to bring up the idea of a VAT. If the country is broke, Mr. Obama, perhaps you should stop asking the vast majority of rules playing and responsible taxpayers to pony up. Stop looking down the food chain at the plankton. Look upwards towards the sharks if you need to recover the money..."
The Conservative Con Men continue to yak about flat taxes, VATs, etc. Many otherwise sane people (and some not so sane) fall for these tax ruses. Flat taxes sound good until someone starts capping them so the guy buying the $30k pick-up ends up paying the same tax as the guy buying the $10m corporate jet. Scams all. Social Security? I can fix it tomorrow. Eliminate the cap.
Bad Anti-Virus

Glad I uninstalled it from my newest computer before it had time to run amok. McAfee antivirus program goes berserk, freezes PCs - Yahoo! News
Praying For Prayer
"All those Tea Partiers marching under the take-back-our-government banner make me wonder...
Might we soon see believers marching against the self-appointed prayer "bosses." Their banners would insist that their prayers -- Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, or free-lance spiritual petitions to a higher power or whomever -- matter, too.
The National Day of Prayer coming up makes me think these things. It seems to set holier-than-thou elbows flying as various groups claim "ownership" of the decades old tradition.
Now that Focus on the Family Founder James Dobson and his Women of Faith founder wife Shirley no longer filter access to the official White House observation through their conservative Christian lens (only traditionalists get the microphone), they've moved their event to the streets and co-opted the name, stamping "official site" on the big eagle on the home page..."
Birthers Gain Official Status
"- The Arizona House approved a bill Wednesday that would require presidential candidates to show his or her birth certificate in order to be on the state's ballot.
The House approved the measure on a 31-29 vote after four Republicans joined all of the Democrats in opposing it. The measure still faces a Senate vote..."
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Hawaii Birther Bill
This bill should be defeated.
Great Econ News
"General Motors CEO Ed Whitacre said today that he expects the U.S. government to recoup its entire investment in the automaker.
Before a cheering crowd in its Chevrolet Malibu plant in Kansas City, Kan., General Motors CEO Ed Whitacre confirmed today that the company has paid off $5.8 billion in loans owed to the U.S. and Canadian governments five years ahead of schedule.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Jesus And The Feminine
"...That story comes to mind as the Vatican wrestles with the consequences of a patriarchal premodern mind-set: scandal, cover-up and the clumsiest self-defense since Watergate. That’s what happens with old boys’ clubs.
It wasn’t inevitable that the Catholic Church would grow so addicted to male domination, celibacy and rigid hierarchies. Jesus himself focused on the needy rather than dogma, and went out of his way to engage women and treat them with respect.
The first-century church was inclusive and democratic, even including a proto-feminist wing and texts. The Gospel of Philip, a Gnostic text from the third century, declares of Mary Magdalene: “She is the one the Savior loved more than all the disciples.” Likewise, the Gospel of Mary (from the early second century) suggests that Jesus entrusted Mary Magdalene to instruct the disciples on his religious teachings..."
PETA Heads Will Explode
Palin Agonistes
Iranian Quakery
Monday, April 19, 2010
Squashing Initiative
Who Do You Trust?
Sunday, April 18, 2010
UnSocialist O
"...And here is where CNN shares a doozy and my second favorite line of the entire article. According to Mr. Wharton:
“He’s the president whose main goal is to protect the wealth of the richest 5 percent of Americans.”
Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding !!!! Bingo! You win the prize. Corporate bailouts. Crony capitalism. “Too big to fail policies” that encourage Wall Street thugs who have been reckless to continue said behavior knowing they will get bailed out when they fail again. A health insurance plan to benefit Big Insurance and Big Phrma, bailing out mis-managed car companies…"
Supreme Decision
"...The challenge for President Obama will be to replace Stevens with a justice who will maintain his center-left positions without alienating enough Republicans to instigate a successful filibuster. The Supreme Court needs to have a full complement of justices when it begins its new term in October. To leave it with only eight justices invites stalemate and confusion.
If Republicans are wise — not always a sure thing with the current crop — they will unsheath the weapon of filibuster only if Obama nominates someone who is truly far outside the mainstream of judicial thought. Not only would they risk denying the nation a full court, but they would invite two conclusions, neither flattering: that they are holding up consideration in hopes of having more Republican senators after the November elections, and that they truly are nothing more than the party of "no." (They may be that, anyway, but they don't want to call attention to it in the run-up to the midterm elections.)..."
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Anger Danger
"Letting disgruntled citizens vent is important to national security, experts say, but some messages emanating from angry Americans in recent weeks have pressed the boundaries of free speech.
Politicians have reported slurs as well as threatening letters and phone calls. Congressmen have reported vandalism to their offices. One said he was spit on. Another said his brother's gas line was cut after a Tea Party member posted his address online..."
"U.S. President Barack Obama accused opposition Republicans on Saturday of spreading misinformation about a Democratic bill that aims to tighten oversight of Wall Street banks and their practices..."
Friday, April 16, 2010
Praying Heads Will Explode
Volcano Bail-Out Coming?
"Businesses around Europe were scrambling to make contingency plans Friday as a cloud of volcanic ash from Iceland kept airports closed, while insurance companies were hoping to avoid having to cover any losses.
The continued grounding of most flights in northern Europe was forcing suppliers to seek alternative delivery routes for high-value components and perishables like flowers and food that are usually moved by air..."
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Greed, Fear, And You
"...Think about it. According to theory, capitalism is advanced through the "enlightened" self-interest of individuals (I'll get back to the enlightened bit later). Translation: greed. Greed is good in capitalism. Indeed, if capitalism can be said to have any morality, that morality is based in greed.
But greed is based in fear, just as nearly every negative emotion is. Greed is about the fear that you will not have enough, never have enough and therefore must always have more.
Ask anyone who was mixed up in the junk bond bubble of the Reagan years or the dot-com bubble of the Clinton/Bush years or the real estate bubble of the Bush years: it was not about having enough, it was about having more. From the homeowners who foolishly bit into a mortgage they could never possibly handle to the bankers who lent that money knowing full well those borrowers couldn't afford the mortgage to the stockholders who demanded higher earnings every quarter from the bankers who lent the money to the people who couldn't afford it, to the governments who gladly accepted the property and income taxes due on the money that the shareholders demanded by higher each quarter from the bankers who lent the money to people who couldn't afford it, all of this monumental folly was based in greed..."
SOS Clinton Ahead In Polls
That other Democrat is, of course, Hillary Clinton, who fought and scratched her way mightily but unsuccessfully through those bitter, belligerent Democratic primaries and caucuses of 2008. The former first lady and current secretary of State professes no intra-mural interest in challenging her White House boss, as she must as long as she’s an administration team member.
The published CNN article focused on an Obama matchup with Sarah Palin. But within the data were Favorable/Unfavorable ratings for numerous prominent politicians of both parties. Here are the surprising new poll numbers for Clinton:
61% now think favorably of the former senator and only 35% unfavorably, both numbers improved from the 56% and 40% she had during the Democratic National Convention in late August of 2008..."
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Studying The Confederacy
"...One constant has been the importance of the Civil War. It remains as the most important era of American history, a time when America withstood its biggest challenges to a constitutional democracy which then was still viewed as an experiment in a new form of government. The crucible of war defined the nation as we know it today, as we became "indivisible" and "with liberty and justice for all" for the first time..."
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Big O Black-Balling Bio
Too Big To Fail Bill
In a floor speech, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the minority leader, signaled the approach his party will take in seeking to revise — or even block — legislation that is a legislative priority for the Obama administration.
“This bill not only allows for taxpayer-funded bailouts of Wall Street banks; it institutionalizes them,” Mr. McConnell said..."
Monday, April 12, 2010
No Supreme Hillary
"The president thinks Secretary Clinton is doing an excellent job as Secretary of State and wants her to remain in that position," White House spokesman Ben LaBolt said..."
Papal Comparisons
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Lest We Forget: Vets And The Economy
"...With that, the president of the United States, Herbert Hoover, fearing that radicals had infiltrated the veterans, ordered the Army to take over the involuntary evacuation.
And this country was confronted with the news that the Army was moving against the old soldiers.
At the highest level of the Army assigned to the task were men who would later become extraordinarily famous. Gen. Douglas MacArthur was in command; Maj. Dwight D. Eisenhower was the go-between with the local police force; Maj. George Patton was in charge of the cavalry.
Bayonets were drawn; tanks and soldiers on horseback advanced into the crowds; acrid gas was unleashed on the protesting veterans; the makeshift camps were torn down. Even though President Hoover didn't want it to happen, MacArthur sent his troops across a bridge to the site of the veterans' main living quarters. A fire broke out; it was never determined with certainty who set it, but there it was: the American veterans' cobbled-together homes in flames, as the Army drove them out.
There was no television back then; it is almost impossible to fathom what would have happened if the country had been able to see, live, the military moving relentlessly against former members of the military who were asking for the means to survive..."
About Stevens Replacement
"...In his time on the court, so lengthy that one advocacy group has compiled a list of the greatest opinions Stevens wrote while in his 80s, the justice has left a liberal imprint. He embraced affirmative action (after first questioning it); declared a belief that the death penalty is unconstitutional (after first voting to restore it); and supported protections for gays.
He also defended abortion rights and opposed the notion that the Second Amendment guarantees a right to personal gun ownership.
It is questionable whether Obama, in the current political climate, could replace Stevens with a nominee who shares such strong opinions, even if that were the president's inclination. His nomination of Sonia Sotomayor last year made history but was not based on ideology. His appointments of lower-court judges, with a few notable exceptions, are more middle-of-the-road than the left would like..."
Saturday, April 10, 2010
The Civil War Again
The Civil War is another thing you cannot have a contrarian position about without being called a racist.
No Libs For GOP
So if O names a conservative will all Democrats run unopposed?
Friday, April 09, 2010
Who Will Win The Fall?
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Artists Ogle Google Pie
"...For the most part, Google, the Author’s Guild, and other writers’ and publishing groups have agreed to allow Google to scan their works, sell them on the internet and have them pop up in search results. The rights holders get 67 percent of the take, and Google the remainder.
Mopsik said photographers and illustrators want a piece of the money pie.
“Our situation is pretty much identical to the authors,” he said..."
Read More
More Crossfire Misfires
Humph. Methinks somebody either is a GOP operative or has highly flexible definitions of partisanship. Novak was the Prince of Darkness, a walking, talking mouthpiece for all things Bush; his rebut to every argument was "Bush Basher! Bush Basher!" And Tucker Carlson? He dressed up the Republican agenda in stylish yuppie dweebness but it was still the same old antebellum South that routinely spews from the GOP right.
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Rescuers Still Hurting
Comment Of The Day
"and I can't wait for "The Daily Show" !!!
Read more: ..."
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
McCain And Extremes
Peodphile Priests And Bears
Monday, April 05, 2010
Exercise Equals Healthy Babies
The findings are important because larger birth size is associated with higher risk for childhood obesity..."
Dems Holding In CA
Democrat Jerry Brown has also avoided expensive TV advertising early in a race that is likely to hit a spending record for non-presidential elections. The primaries, which will decide the party nominees, are in June and the election itself in November..."
Bailout Perspective
Sunday, April 04, 2010
Someone Missed The Bush Administration
Really? How about searching without warrants? How about arrest and incarceration without warrant or trial? How about that Patriot Act? Now, that's what a real loss of freedom looks like. How about the Second Prohibition-- the one against pot ? How about the draft of the 60's and 80's? The health care reforms to me simply represent more taxes, a power the government obviously has. So if a loss of freedom is what you are howling about, how about screaming about a freedom that really matters-- like having an unmonitored telephone conversation?
Better Econ News
Saturday, April 03, 2010
More Rich Getting Richer
"Riding high on the bank bailout, hedge fund managers posted record paydays in 2009, according to an annual survey by AR: Absolute Return +Alpha magazine.
Leading the pack, David Tepper of Appaloosa Management made $4 billion, in part by betting successfully that the government would bail out the big banks. John Paulson, of Paulson & Company, made $2.3 billion by buying back bank stocks he shorted in 2008. And a year after his fund received $200 million in the bailout of the American International Group, Kenneth Griffin of the Citadel Investment Group made $900 million..."
Public Option Simplified
"...Politicians are in the same boat as corporations–no wonder they have joined forces with big business in their joint efforts to control us and keep us consuming all the crap they want us to buy from them! The health care reform debacle is certainly a case in point. Most Americans want a single payer health plan–just expand Medicare to everyone and be done with it. Medicare already covers 40% of Americans, why not all of us? Medicare has very low overhead, so why should we have to buy insurance from corporations with 30% overhead?
It makes no sense, but the politicians tell us not to believe the obvious evidence that Medicare for all would be the best plan for the American people. They are going to do their best to try to convince us that we want to be forced to buy crap insurance from whomever they tell us to buy it from and that it was a fair trade-off for women to lose their reproductive freedom so that approximately 25 million more people can have crap health insurance that probably won’t provide the health care they actually need..."
Doctor Refuses Dem Patients
Hmmm. Let's divide the country into two warring camps, with neither serving nor helping the other. Wonder who would yell "Uncle" first? Wonder if we'd have a country when it was all over.
Friday, April 02, 2010
GOPer To GOPer
"...Republicans are shouting and spitting like a bunch of [expletive deleted] hyenas as they clamor for face time in the media. They’re filling our inboxes, vandalizing our social networking profiles and polluting the airwaves with venomous messages rebuking the Obama Administration over health care. HEALTH CARE! My fellow Republicans are tearing this nation apart over providing medical care for those less fortunate. Not bank bailouts, war, or wasteful pork spending— Health care. Really?
The behavior among elected Republicans and the dimwitted TV pundits who are whipping America into an absolute frenzy is the worst thing about this bill and has led me to question my long-standing affiliation with the Republican Party. For a moment, I thought it was me; that maybe I had changed and lost touch with Republicanism. So, in seeking to refresh my recollection of what this party stands for, I logged onto the GOP home page..."
GOP's Suicidal Delusion
Real 3D?
Thursday, April 01, 2010
The Why Of The Polls
Area 51 Bribes, Dirty Tricks
'Well, when this guy went back, telling reporters, 'I saw a plane that didn't have a propeller and being flown by a monkey,' well, they laughed at this guy — and it got where the guys would see [test pilots] and they didn't dare report it because everybody'd laugh at them,' says Barnes.
Noce says he quite liked working at Area 51..."
The article contains a bit about hush payments to witnesses and then the above little set-up. I'm glad they all got a good laugh out of this little stunt. Too bad they didn't think about the consequences to the people on the receiving end of these stunts. Not only was this one unnecessary, it was cruel. Practical jokes can be fun for all if you're on the receiving end and you find out what the joke is. It becomes decidedly unfunny if the joke causes you physical harm or, in this case, makes you doubt your sanity. But I guess all is fair in the name of national security.
I've been hearing explosions here in Oklahoma! I went to find out what it was and determined it was Fox News disciple's heads exploding ALL OVER OUR STATE!
Our Senator called out Fox News? Tom Coburn? Hell has frozen over, indeed. I guess he wants to ensure he isn't blamed when one of Fox News slack jawed viewers does something violent urged on by Glenn Beck having them believe it is up to them to save our nation from communism / socialism or some other threat, like gay marriage..., to our Democracy?