Thursday, April 22, 2010

Praying For Prayer

Is it the National Day of Pray Our Way Only now? - Faith & Reason

"All those Tea Partiers marching under the take-back-our-government banner make me wonder...

Might we soon see believers marching against the self-appointed prayer "bosses." Their banners would insist that their prayers -- Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, or free-lance spiritual petitions to a higher power or whomever -- matter, too.

The National Day of Prayer coming up makes me think these things. It seems to set holier-than-thou elbows flying as various groups claim "ownership" of the decades old tradition.

Now that Focus on the Family Founder James Dobson and his Women of Faith founder wife Shirley no longer filter access to the official White House observation through their conservative Christian lens (only traditionalists get the microphone), they've moved their event to the streets and co-opted the name, stamping "official site" on the big eagle on the home page..."

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