Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hypocritical GOPerism

GOP rips $1.1 trillion spending bill -

"...Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Illinois, called the GOP hypocritical, noting that a large number of the earmarks in the bill had been previously requested by Republican members. Durbin also said the legislation had been set at $1.1 trillion in order to satisfy McConnell's demands.

This is 'the very same number' the Republican leader insisted upon, Durbin said. 'You can't have it both ways.'

South Carolina GOP Sen. Jim DeMint, a leading voice of the Tea Party movement, has said he and other conservatives may force the massive bill to be read out loud before it can be debated in order to ensure that everyone knows all the provisions it contains.

Reading the bill could take 50 hours... "

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