Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Safe Nukes

Tuesday: Are you still vulnerable to media messaging? « The Confluence:

"...By the way, did you notice how little radioactivity was produced during the TMI incident? If you listen to the media, you’d think it was right up there with Chernobyl- squared. The actual amount was tiny. REALLY tiny. It’s a blip.

Oh, sure, you say, but NO nuclear energy is safe. You can never turn your back on it. I’m not so sure I’d agree with that statement. If anything, the Fukushima accident refutes these claims. It shows that a 40 year old reactor can come through a “great” earthquake, a tsunami and a power failure and still expose people in Japan to less radioactivity than they would get in a CT scan.

That doesn’t mean I think we should run out and get one for the patio. But I am very willing to consider nuclear energy as an alternative to burning fossil fuel. The lessons learned at Fukushima could make new reactors even safer..."

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