Wednesday, November 08, 2017

The Brazile Effect

Last night's election results were surprising in one regard: the Brazile Effect didn't cost the Democrats the governorship of Virginia. Many Democrats were running around wringing their hands and screaming the sky is falling after Brazile accused SOS Clinton of rigging last years primary election. Of course, the claim was pure nonsense, which Josh Marshall, among others, deconstructed quite effectively. (Here is an excellent summary post.)

No one knows what was clattering through Brazile's mind when she made her specious charges. Some people, like me, were suspicious that she was deliberating creating another round of chaos between Sanders and Clinton supporters, who are trying to get together, though many of the Sanders supporters continue promulgating their CDS. But it looks like the Brazile Effect was negligible, which gives me hope for the future. Perhaps, voters can actually see beyond and through all the propaganda and misinformation spewed by the GOP in general and Fox News and the Russians in particular.

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