Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Another DeLay Shot

Also at Firedoglake, Jane Hamsher gets a shot in at DeLay entitled "Oh Happy Day!" (Can't you just hear the music?)

Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog:

"It’s a beautiful day here in Oregon, and a great day in America.

Tom DeLay, one of the biggest crooks in modern American history, has fallen. In order to appreciate the importance of this I want to link to a couple of articles I think have been really good at laying out the full extent of the criminal enterprise that has bilked this country for billions, of which DeLay was the architect."

Check the post for the links--quite informative.

(Have you noticed that the only thing on the radio is yakking about sex and pedophiles on the Internet? DeLay is far more newsworthy than another round of hearing about sex in America.)

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