Friday, April 14, 2006

Christians and the Constitution

Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog: "The Founding Fathers had ample opportunity to use Christian imagery and language in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution, but did not. At the same time, they were not absolute secularists. They wanted God in American public life, but, given the memory of religious warfare that could engulf and destroy whole governments, they saw the wisdom of distinguishing between private and public religion. In churches and in homes, anyone could believe and practice what he wished. In the public business of the nation, however, it was important to the Founders to speak of God in a way that was unifying, not divisive. 'NatureƂ’s God' was the path they chose, and it has served the nation admirably. Despite generations of subsequent efforts to amend the Constitution to include Jesus or to declare that America is a 'Christian nation,' no president across three centuries has made an even remotely serious attempt to do so. - American Gospel, by Jon Meacham (p. 22-23)"

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