Monday, April 17, 2006

More Religion on the Left

Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog » Our Founding Fathers, Faith and the Democrats:

"Who is Randy Brinson? He is the founder of Redeem the Vote, a 'religious version of Rock the Vote.' But what he understands is profound. He knows, as do many of you, that the religious right has no vested interest in solving problems and healing the divisions we have regarding faith and values. What they want to do is keep the culture war brewing, because it’s big bucks and brings in lots of power, their main interest in it all.

Democrats need to quit helping them do it.

One of the reasons I brought up the environmental issue this morning is that there is a growing movement of environmental religious groups who are furious at George W. Bush and the administration, along with the Republican Party, because the current crop of politicians are terrible stewards of our planet. This is becoming a powerful movement around the country, one that could wrench the religious away from Republicans. Even Randy Brinson has taken a step away from Republicans in order to listen to what Democrats are talking about."

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