Friday, May 19, 2006

If You Agree With Them, Then. . . Hewitt on Me:
Conservatives complaining about conservatives:

"Just to set the record straight, here's the list of reasons I'm fed up with the GOP 'electeds':

* Failure to finish the 9/11 job by bringing Osama to justice
* An unnecessary and unwise war of choice in Iraq, waged with inadequate resources and a degree of political interference unmatched since LBJ ran the Viet Nam War from the Oval Office, as forcefully demonstrated by the W$J's extended story on retired Maj. Gen. John Batiste
* Runaway spending
* Vast expansion of the federal government in areas like No Child Left Behind, Sarbanes-Oxley, and the Medicare drug benefit
* Failure to address entitlement reform
* Failure to address comprehensive immigration reform that includes a guest worker system and regularization of the current undocumented population
* Infingement of civil liberties in the various NSA domestic spying programs
* An unwillingness to confront the corruption plaguing the party by virtue of the K Street Gang; or, rather, the Gang's lack of virtue
* Inability to admit error
* Entrenched anti-intellectualism"

Nice list. I agree with all the points. Which of the conservative clubs will I be drafted into?

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