Sunday, December 03, 2006

Commenting On Will, Part II

Bark Bark Woof Woof: "Given the fact that the Republicans mastered the art of disrespect for the office of the presidency during the Clinton administration, regularly high-fiving each other for dissing the Clintons as Arkansas hillbillies and illegitimate usurpers and that their behavior as the majority party during the last six years has been more closely compared to schoolyard full of sugar-bombed six-year-olds, and adding the fact that the Bush administration, including the president, has raised the act of being 'insufferably full of themselves' to a high art, and not to mention that the GOP and their allies in talk radio, bow-tied punditry, and the right-wing blogosphere has made boorishness and incivility the basis for nearly all of their commentary, Mr. Will's complaints about Mr. Webb's behavior at the White House is roughly equivalent to an alligator complaining about all those nasty carnivores out there.

As for the characterization of Mr. Bush's question about Mr. Webb's son -- a Marine serving in Iraq -- as 'a civil and caring question, as one parent to another,' Mr. Will demonstrates the same kind of tin ear that the president showed for the feelings of Mr. Webb along the lines of 'Well, other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?' It may sound like an innocent question, but how thick is the president to not know that Mr. Webb was elected to the Senate literally wearing the boots of his son and campaigning on the theme of getting the troops out of Iraq? Is the president that insensitive? Or is he more like the bully who knows how to push the buttons of his victims and then act all coyly innocent when he gets the desired response of outrage and anger? Given the president's background and prior acts of carelessness towards the feelings of others, I suspect the latter. (It's also a little more than ironic that while Mr. Webb's son is serving in Iraq, Mr. Bush's children are partying their asses off in Buenos Aires.). . ."

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