Monday, December 04, 2006

Flogging The Media

Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog » The President’s Report Card: ". . .But then the federal government’s abysmal response to Katrina provided all the evidence anyone needed to prove that the government under Republican and Bush leadership had become incapable of meeting the most basic requirements of public safety and welfare; competent governance seemed beyond the regime’s abilities and even outside their intentions. But this revelation did not come about through persistent media effort, digging into facts and looking behind the scenes and official statements. All it took to show the problem was a television camera and a reporter standing in the midst of a flooded city and an abandoned people.

So except for showing the obvious in NOLA, not paying attention was the media’s problem; and worse, for the most part, the traditional media just didn’t seem to care enough to do their jobs, to ask the questions they should have been asking and to search out answers from sources other than the Administration flacks who were feeding them. We didn’t just have a “rubber stamp Republican Congress.” It was worse than that: we had a rubber stamp fourth estate. But that seems to be changing, and changing fast. . ."

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