Sunday, December 02, 2007

Clinton Hangs Tough

Democrat Taylor Marsh Broadcasts Live Talk Radio and Blogs Politics: "...Pledging to provide a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants in the first 100 days?

I'm now convinced some primary voters in the Democratic party are willing to throw the best chance of taking over the White House we've had in a long time. I've never heard of anything so profoundly outrageous and so politically stupid. Demanding a candidate pledge something so divisive get done within his or her first 100 days is nothing short of general election suicide. Have people forgotten what happened when Congress tried to get decent legislation passed over illegal immigration? I have great hopes that we can bring illegal immigrants to a path to citizenship during the next president's first term, but demanding this pledge is ridiculous.

This is not the first time Clinton refused to pander to her audience, taking the boos from the faction before her; in this particular case as she talked on the phone with them, due to weather conditions that prevented her from being there in person. When Edwards challenged her at YearlyKos on accepting lobbying money she refused to go his way. Again, she was booed.

It doesn't matter how strongly we all want to solve the illegal immigration challenge. There will be a long, slow fight to get it done and we won't get it done by making 100 day pledges that incites Americans on all sides of the political spectrum. It's just staggeringly stupid.

Good for Clinton."


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