Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Demotion For Clinton?

Like Colin Powell should have done, Hillary Clinton should do-- and that's stay far, far away from the toxic Obmaregime, lest that grime rub off. Besides, she can do more good in the Senate.

Charlotte Front and Center: Hillary Secretary Of State?

If it happens, I'll have to drag out my "Hell Freezing Over" pix.


docweasel said...

yeah, well rightbloggers should be doing everything possible to undermine and damage Obama. Demonize him. Disrespect him. Misquote him. Attribute slips of the lip or gaffes to stupidity and let's get a "given" established that he's dishonest, a cretin, traitorous, criminal and evil. Distort and invent quotes and urban legends to ridicule and discredit him. It worked for the Dems. To anyone who says "let's give him a chance" I say fuck Obama.

Bob Harrison said...

Quite the cover art on your site, Doc. I take it you don't like Obama? I, too, have mislaid my pony. I am hoping for Christmas, tho.

I get the idea on establishing a meme; but I'll have to leave that to others. If I get overly embroiled again, I will blow a gasket this time and I am not going to do that.

Faded said...

DocWeasel lays out the Right Wing mantra, all in one simple paragraph...

How is that working out for the right wing?

Pish-tosh. Bob, the main reason I didn't support Clinton WAS her senate record. Her votes were a picture perfect record of ambiguity and fence-post riding. If you think that is progress, I do believe you are mistaken. If Clinton does have a few good ideas, and honestly, I don't think she truly does- Secretary of State would be a much better place for her to implement it. Think of the past 8 years- who wielded the most power- (to the detriment of our country,it is true,but) The executive Branch trumped all, supported by a full cadre of Republican yes-men. I think you will be really suprised, in the middle, Bob. Obama is going full-steam ahead in Centrist mode, much to the chagrin of Full bore conservatives/Social Lefties like myself. He will be too soft on big business and too lackluster to implement some real progressive change concerning Foreign policy.

I don't support Obama except for the far-out "Hope" that he might accidentally implement some real change. My arguments against him are almost diametrically opposed to your own against him.

Rahm Emmanuel as Chief of Staff? Hell that guys so deep with AIPAC and Corporatism that he could be a Republican.

I just don't get the whole Obama-Chicken little syndrome of you guys. Believe me, the WORST will have passed when Bush relinquishes power.

Oh, and oil down to $56-57... So I jumped the gun on that whole deal (told you to buy at $62) But hang on to your gas nozzle, prices will be back over $90-$100 before you know it..

Demand hasn't changed, no matter how much the economy sucks.

High Gas prices are one thing I think we can count on.

Bob Harrison said...

Well, I think O is much more a GOPer than McCain, for one thing. I hope you're right about getting some substantial change but I ain't holding my breath. Clinton would have at least tried to do something about health care. About the best we can hope for from O on that issue is cosmetic lip service. Again, I hope I am wrong.