Thursday, April 30, 2009
Controling The Future
Either way, we're witnessing the end of conservatism."
I rarely disagree with Carl, but this time I do. I don't see the Limbaugh-Coulter-Malkin wing of the GOP as conservative-- they are reactionary-- it's not enough to go slow, carefully way choices, and slowly commit to change, "The Rushians" want to roll back time to some bygone, halcyon era when, you know, slavery was more legal than it is now. That is not conservative. I do hope we're see the end of reactionaryism (jeez, what an ugly word).
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Who's Your Party?
Will the Tea Parties be successful in their goals? Hopefully so. If enough citizens join in protest then John Galt steps forward. If the media is able to dissuade the public in general, then John Galt goes back into hiding until Americans have had enough."
Don't know who John Galt is? Try this, though I like this better.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
A Real Blast From The Past
The event, known as GRB 090423, was the most distant cosmic explosion ever recorded.
'The Swift [satellite] was designed to catch these very distant bursts,' explained Swift lead scientist Neil Gehrels. 'The incredible distance to this burst exceeded our greatest expectations - it was a true blast from the past...'"
When Turncoats Become Patriots
His decision to seek re-election as a Democrat next year was a nakedly political move to hang on to power..."
So if he comes over our side, is he our hero? Well, since my side has left me (mostly) alone in the middle, I'm not particularly excited about this move. The Democrats lost a few after big Bush wins, too, so what goes around, comes around (swine flu, hopefully, excepted).
Monday, April 27, 2009
Approval Ratings
In other words, Dear Leaders supposedly amazing “Popularity” is, like everything else about him, over rated."
Flogging Nancy
'When one attempts to obsure, deflect, and outright prevaricate as much as Speaker Nancy Pelosi, one can expect critics galore. And that’s just what’s happened. Politico’s Glenn Thrush has been hammering Nancy hard. This article was published less than an hour ago:“Pelosi playing defense on torture“...'
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Single Payer Blues
You mean we no longer need HMO executives making millions per year for denying people the health benefits they paid for? Go figure. You mean insurance salesmen would once again have to rely on mandatory auto insurance and (should be mandatory) life insurance sales to bring home the (heart attack) bacon?
Update: Simply Left Behind has an excellent post on this topic, also.
Vivid Losing
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Lying Liars And The Lies They Tell
Abortion Foreign Policy
Clinton told the committee that during her time as First Lady helped create the campaign against teen pregnancy which saw the rate of teen pregnancy decrease. She said, “I am sad to report that after an administration of 8-years that undone so much of the good work, the rate of teenage pregnancy is going up”. To which she received applaud from members of the public listening at the hearing..."
"Grilled...four hours...abortion..." That seems way over the top for the Secretary of State.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Dem Maneuvering
The maneuver -- which Democrats hope to formally approve in a budget resolution next week -- threatens to spark a revolt by GOP lawmakers and could complicate Democratic efforts to push through other high-priority proposals on their agenda..."
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The Daily Uh-Oh
Critics said the approval of sharia law in the valley, 125 km (80 miles) northwest of Islamabad, was akin to appeasing the militants.
Within days they forced their way into a new district closer to the capital, refused to lay down their arms and said their aim was to push their harsh version of Islam across the country.
'They are now threatening to get out of Swat and take other areas into their custody. So we've got to avoid that situation,' former prime minister Nawaz Sharif said in an interview with USA Today published Wednesday.
Sharif is seen as the most popular politician in Pakistan after he forced Zardari to give in on a confrontation over the independence of the judiciary last month..."
Death In The Electronic Family
GeoCities had suffered a long and drawn-out battle with its health over the past decade. An antiquated service model and outdated technology are widely blamed for the struggle. An official cause of death, however, has yet to be determined..."
More On Miss CA
Well, obviously I disagree. I do support Gay Marriage personally. I don’t always agree with Wanda Sykes, but I like what she says, “If you’re against same sex marriage, then don’t marry someone of the same sex!” And I do think that Same Sex Marriage Laws should be left to the states, but I think equality of benefits is a right..."
Tin Foil Sales Increase
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Palin Gets Hillaryed
Newt’s carefully crafted responses suggests a continuing pattern of the Republican patriarchy that is dismissive towards Sarah Palin. Newt’s interview in particular presents a more obvious attempt at her marginalization. On its face, Newt’s opinion of Palin has to be taken with a grain of salt- as it is one that comes from a man who has historically questioned the authority of women. He mentions Sarah’s appeal to media as one possible limitation to her bid in 2012. If I were Newt, I would not bring up personal relationships and media scrutiny (cough, cough).
Newt’s recent slight of Palin is not an isolated case. When interviews among other GOP males are examined collectively, their responses towards Palin tells a similar story. Palin’s former presidential running mate John McCain, exhibited a common air of discomfort and unresponsiveness when questioned about Palin’s political future within the Republican party. On one Jay Leno appearance McCain failed to even mention Palin..."
From The Dangerous Precedent Department
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Nutty Medical News
The nuts contain ingredients such as omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and phytosterols that may all reduce the risk of the disease..."
The Boo-Hooing Of The Rich
Gay Rights And Miss America
Monday, April 20, 2009
Universal Health Would Help All
The rest of the post explains the methodology in the study, which seems to indicate a very positive outlook for universal health doing a great deal of public good.
Will Video On Demand Suck Less Now?
Flash will be incorporated in the system-on-a-chip products from Broadcom (NSDQ: BRCM), Intel (NSDQ: INTC), NXP, Sigma Designs, and Mediatek. The integration will extend Adobe's reach with Flash beyond PCs and mobile phones..."
Or will we still get our politics in stuttering, jerky gasps?
O'Errors O'barrsment!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
We're Safe!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Puma Primaries
So get out there and run in the primaries! Who knows, maybe we can elect a few Pumacrats.
Obama Overreaction
"Before Obama spoke last Tuesday at Georgetown University, the White House asked that the symbol "IHS" be covered. The symbol "IHS" is a symbol standing for the name of Jesus in the Christian world.
Friday, April 17, 2009
West Virginia Bank Unbails
The Treasury Department said Friday that Centra Financial Holdings Inc. of Morgantown, W.Va., has given the government $750,000 to buy back warrants Treasury was holding that gave it an ownership share in the company.
That transaction means Centra Financial has now paid the full costs of participating in the financial rescue program. On March 31 the bank returned the $15 million in capital infusions the government had provided..."
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Banking Question
And who are the people on Capitol Hill who refuse to put a stop to it all? Frank? Dodd?
Johnson says there’s no time like the present to engage the Department of Justice to enforce and prosecute antitrust laws. So, who is standing in the way of a showdown?"
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Save Your Marriage!
Amazing Music Video (Not Political)
Susan Boyle - Singer - Britains Got Talent 2009 (With Lyrics)
If this performance does not tug at your heart strings, then you have no heart. What was it Sharon Stone said in The Quick and The Dead? "Today, I'm the fastest gun." Well, Susan Boyle is certainly the major talent find of the year if not the decade.
Tea Party Posts
I would be at my local tea party except I know I would have to listen to an enormous amount of drivel about "damn liberals" and "damn Democrats," and since I am both, why would go anywhere just to hear myself get cussed? If some of us PUMA types got a chance to chat then I might go, otherwise, I will just cheer.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Extremism Increases
Winners And Losers
Monday, April 13, 2009
From The "What Could Go Wrong There?" Department
More Bow Breaking
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Power In Numbers
WASHINGTON (AP) — If the uninsured were a political lobbying group, they'd have more members than AARP. The National Mall couldn't hold them if they decided to march on Washington.
But going without health insurance is still seen as a personal issue, a misfortune for many and a choice for some. People who lose coverage often struggle alone instead of turning their frustration into political action.
Illegal immigrants rallied in Washington during past immigration debates, but the uninsured linger in the background as Congress struggles with a health care overhaul that seems to have the best odds in years of passing..."
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Flogging Thine Self
Friday, April 10, 2009
Rove Calls Biden A Liar
US Vice-President Biden is a habitual liar, says Republican strategist Rove: "Washington, Apr.10 (ANI): Republican strategist Karl Rove has called Vice President Joe Biden a 'liar' for claiming that he scolded former President George W Bush in private meetings.
'I hate to say this, but he’s a serial exaggerator. If I was being unkind, I would say liar. But it is a habit he ought to drop,' Fox News quoted Rove, as saying.
'You should not exaggerate and lie like this when you are the Vice President of the United States,' he added.
Biden’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment, although Biden spokesman Jay Carney told Fox on Wednesday: 'The vice president stands by his remarks...'"
Declining Rock-Rib Fortunes
"...The current Newsweek has a lengthy article entitled "The End of Christian America." It notes that the percentage of self-identified Christians has gone down 10% in last two decades, while "the number of Americans who claim no religious affiliation has nearly doubled since 1990, rising from 8% to 15%..."
The number of "Christians" will continue to decline as long as the self-proclaimed, so-called "Christians" continue to act in a most un-Christian way. No one wants to be identified with a group of narrow-minded, thuggish busy-bodies who think their way is the only way. These people often squeal about freedom but what they really want is everyone to be free to act and think the way they want them to. Who wants to a member of that club? Well, I am a Christian, but I am a red-letter Christian and I take orders from no man.
Pirates Threatening
Ship captain Richard Phillips leapt into the sea, but was quickly brought back, U.S. media said, citing defense sources.
'We are not afraid of the Americans,' one of the pirates told Reuters by satellite phone on behalf of the gang holding Phillips far off the Somali coast in the Indian Ocean..."
Four snipers ought to do the trick. Or are we gonna gum 'em to death?
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
NC Sets Its Priorities
Despite a public school system where 16 counties have been found unconstitutional and another county was most recently described as committing "educational genocide," the North Carolina Senate lopped $615 million from PreK-12 public education in its budget proposal.And the "crown jewel" of the state, as the 16-campus university system has been called by senators recently? Only $36 million in cuts.
"It's very strange that North Carolina is receiving close to $700 million in federal stimulus money to stabilize K-12 education and the Senate cuts us by almost that amount," said NCAE President Sheri Strickland. "If you read the Senate's money report, they make no mention of this infusion of cash allocated to save jobs in our schools."
NCAE figures the Senate is either turning down the federal stimulus money or spending it on priorities not set forth by the U.S. Department of Education. Either way, the Senate has its priorities confused, according to Strickland.
"Under this plan, North Carolina students lose over 6,000 teachers next year," said Strickland. "But hardworking families will continue funding out-of-state tuition bills for out-of-state scholarship athletes?
These priorities are wrong."
Strickland went on to list a number of funding and tax reforms that could be dealt with during this budget crisis, including a means test for Legislative Tuition Grants. Currently, North Carolina gives any in-state family, regardless of how wealthy, nearly $2,000 if their children attend Duke, Wake Forest, Davidson or any other private North Carolina school.
Five Guides On The Path
The five leaders Bishop T D Jakes, Rev Kirbyjon Caldwell and Rev Otis Moore, Rev Joel Hunter and Rev Jim Wallis are said to share the same conviction as the President that faith is the foundation in the fight against economic inequality and social injustice..."
Hmm. I've always felt one guide, God, was sufficient. Maybe the Golden Rule and the Ten Commandments weren't clear enough. Remember that old saw about cooks in the kitchen?
Dead Tree AP Threatens Google
Electrical Spies
The spies came from China, Russia and other countries, and were believed to be on a mission to navigate the U.S. electrical system and its controls, the newspaper said, citing current and former U.S. national security officials..."
They are going to be really surprised when they discover they have accidentally uploaded Skynet to their own computers.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Comment Of The Day
'The Servant Is The One Who Takes The Money'--Cannonfire: ..."'The servant is the one who takes the money'. Perfect. This has so many meanings on so many levels. You can be bought, you made a deal and now must live up to it, I am your master, you just got swindled, a contract is a contract, and I own your ass (Tony Soprano). I am sure there can be many more.
The problem is their rather limited societal view. They have been trained to be aggressive crooks (ex. Cassano is Milken's creature), told their entire pathetic little lives how clever they are, discouraged from looking beyond the cesspool of greed they swim in, unable to comprehend that intelligence does not equate wisdom. We own their ass and enormous hunks are going to be removed irregardless of the buying of pols and moronic rationalizations. The public wants them in leg irons and the current government will be flipped out as was the last one.
posted by

Uniform Squabble
The 18-year-old, who completed his coursework in December and is now a private first class in the Marine Corps, wants to accept his high school diploma in his military uniform. The school principal rejected his request, but the fight has just begun.
His mother, Marie McCarthy, is pushing to change an El Paso Independent School District rule that prohibits students at graduation ceremonies from wearing anything other than the traditional regalia..."
"Signs. Signs. Everywhere a sign." Rules. Rules. Rules. Heaven is a place where everyone has commonsense and the sense to use it.
Benefit Expansion For GIs
- A new insurance program for service-connected disabled veterans;
- An expanded eligibility for retroactive benefits from traumatic injury protection coverage; and
- A $10,000 increase to the amount of supplemental insurance totally disabled veterans may purchase..."
Defense Rebudgeting
"WASHINGTON - Streamlining and restructuring military spending for conflicts like Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates proposed on Monday adding special force troops, cyber-war capabilities, theater missile defense systems to protect troops and unmanned aerial vehicles while slashing some big-war, big-ticket programs such as the supersonic stealth F-22 fighter made by Lockheed Martin of Bethesda..."
Monday, April 06, 2009
The last time this came up, the advocates for wanted South Carolina and a billion dollars. Wonder if that is still the case.
Sunday, April 05, 2009
The Daily Uh-Oh
The shocking testimony that began the chain of events came from Pennsylvania attorney Heather Heidelbaugh, who in October of last year represented “a candidate, voters and the Republican State Committee of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania” seeking a preliminary injunction against ACORN and the Secretary of the Commonwealth. The complaint alleged violations of the election code, fraud and misrepresentation, and violations of equal protection and due process..."
They love him in Europe. But are they giving him anything to take home? It's a mixed bag: some success, several failures and much to be determined..."
And the Not Bush phenomenon continues.
Saturday, April 04, 2009
It's Bad Out There

Robert Reich's Blog: It's a Depression "The March employment numbers, out this morning, are bleak: 8.5 percent of Americans officially unemployed, 663,000 more jobs lost. But if you include people who are out of work and have given up trying to find a job, the real unemployment rate is 9 percent. And if you include people working part time who'd rather be working full time, it's now up to 15.6 percent. One in every six workers in America is now either unemployed or underemployed..."
Image via Defence magazine and Trendsupdate.
Friday, April 03, 2009
"Referendum" Election Close
If you are reading political tea leaves in this election and forecasting support for or against O'Precious, then note that which ever way it goes, the margins are razor thin. I still say that the swing vote in all these kinds of elections has more to do with what is going locally than nationally.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Karma, Karma, Again, Again
The Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday shows Dodd with record low approval ratings. Just 33 percent of Connecticut voters approve of the job Dodd is doing in the Senate..."
Insensible Cuts?
Defense dollars generate jobs here at home. I don't think they generate that many jobs with the billions we are giving to financial institutions. Let's not cut jobs during a depression, that really seems counterproductive to stimulus.
The Daily Flashback
Harry and Louise on Clinton's health plan...
Ah. If "they" had known then, what I (and many others) knew then, then we all wouldn't be in this mess.
Stevens Update
'It's time for Senator Stevens, his family and Alaskans to move on and put this behind us,' Begich said..."
Yeah. Sure. Sorry to inconvenience you, Ted. I got two words: Rollo Tomasi.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Alaska Crook Update
The government’s decision to file federal court papers in Washington to drop the case was prompted by Attorney General Eric Holder’s conclusion that the government should have turned over notes of witness interviews to defense lawyers for the former Republican lawmaker, a person familiar with the case said..."
Isn't it funny, whether you are an aging hippy terrorist with political pull or a roundly corrupt Senator, that the government always manages to screw-up the case so the criminal walks away none the worse for the experience? Odd that.