Saturday, April 25, 2009

Abortion Foreign Policy

Clinton Grilled Over Abortion Views At Committee Hearing - Talk Radio News Service: "...From the Republican side, Clinton was asked multiple questions on her thoughts relating to abortion around the world. Congressman Christopher Smith (R-N.J.) led the talk by asking whether “the Obama administration would be seeking in any way to weaken or over-turn pro-life laws and policies in African and Latin American countries either directly or through multilateral organizations.” Clinton told the committee, “It is my strongly held view that you are entitled to advocate and everyone who agrees with you should be free to do so anywhere in the world and so are we. We happen to think that family planning is an important part of women’s health and reproductive health includes access to abortion, that I believe should be safe, legal and rare.”

Clinton told the committee that during her time as First Lady helped create the campaign against teen pregnancy which saw the rate of teen pregnancy decrease. She said, “I am sad to report that after an administration of 8-years that undone so much of the good work, the rate of teenage pregnancy is going up”. To which she received applaud from members of the public listening at the hearing..."

"Grilled...four hours...abortion..." That seems way over the top for the Secretary of State.

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