Saturday, July 25, 2009
Hitting The Medical Grand Slam
I bring this up to justify my opinion on health care and costs in particular. I am a major consumer. (It is my understanding that Blue Cross/Blue Shield has taken out a hit on me.) In my last round of medical hijinx, I gave the exact same history at least four different times to four different people over the course of two weeks. Each one of these medical practitioners had his or her time consumed with me relaying the same information over and over. I finally started carrying a typed sheet around with me but that didn't help much since they each had to have their own peculiar form. I've seen estimates that say that one-third of our health care dollar is consumed with such paperwork. I find that number low. Most of my time and most of the medical time thus far consumed on my cancer has had more to do with insurance than medicine and most of the medicine being has more to do with insurance than with healing (or at least that is the way it seems to me).
I will not complain, too much, about the quality of care I have received during these varied miseries, though I did have have one very unhappy experience with a hospital and its funding cuts to the nursing staff. I paid them off in bits and pieces and came very close to delivering my payment in pennies. (If I had known for sure it would hassle the hospital boss, I would have. But that's another story.) But overall my health care has been excellent. What has not been excellent is the cost. Even with fairly good insurance, I am going broke between high copays for everything and higher copays for medicine.
Between a third and a quarter of my monthly salary is going to various copays and hidden costs and I supposedly have "good" insurance. What is also galling is that none of these expenses are tax deductible. Once upon a time, back when medical costs were much lower, medical expenses were fully deductible. Nowadays, you have to hit some high magic number of total income as a threshold before any of it is deductible.
Right now, I am also in the process of going deaf but I can't afford the thousands of dollars needed for a hearing aid so I'm struggling by trying to work but feeling I'm losing the battle. I hope, sometime in the near future, to finally finish all the VA paperwork so, I hope, I might can get a hearing aid. We'll see.
Anyway, I'll be away from the blog for a few days, so ya'all keep 'em honest while I'm gone and keep on pushing for single payer health insurance.
Update: see billy pilgrim's comment below for a quick take on the Canadian system.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Basic Economic Question
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Blue Dogs Cashing In
"The conservative House Democrats known as the Blue Dog Coalition have seen their political clout grow dramatically as they work to shape the health-care debate.
So have their campaign coffers -- and much of the money has come from industries seeking to influence President Obama's health-care overhaul and other key legislative efforts in Congress, according to reports out today..."
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Another O'Stink
"Despite his campaign promise to "make White House communications public," the Obama administration again is blocking the public from seeing White House visitor logs, this time refusing to disclose meetings with health care executives. Tonight, less than an hour before his news conference on health care, he released some of the information only after a nonprofit group filed a federal lawsuit...."
Sense In The Senate
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Comment Of The Day
"private enterprise always does a better job
That cracks me up because the public has had to bail out one hell of alot of private enterprise ass within the last year and will bailout more private enterprise ass in the coming months and all in the trillions.But private enterprise always does a better job?
This notion is a lie meant to further the privation of public services .
It's like the best and the brightest somehow knowing best....another lie.
There are some things that aren't not meant to generate profits. The sick, the elderly, the police and fire dept, prisons etc.
The health care mess stems from trying to find obscene profits, within the medical costs for care.
Health care is not an industry. You might as well call the police an industry....and perhaps we will shortly. Stop paying insurance companies CEOs 300 million a year and you'd be amazed at how many more people could be covered. Why do we even have insurance companies at this point? They were created to supposedly cut costs. They are past their time...the problem there is they give so much $$$$ to elected officals for their campaigns. How many more people could be covered if that lobbying money went to health care?
We live in a world were maintaing the three martin lunch at the strip club culture is way, way more important than health screening the public.

Jovial Smack
Astronomers were scrambling to get big telescopes turned to Jupiter on Tuesday to observe the remains of what looks like the biggest smashup in the solar system since fragments of the Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 crashed into the planet in July 1994..."
Follow-Up On Gates Mess
"Disturbed" person, eh? Now who's profiling?
Monday, July 20, 2009
Let Vick Fly
Can I get an amen?..."
A Mess A-Brewing
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Clinton Out Of Luck In India
“There is simply no case for the pressure” the U.S. is exerting, considering India produces among the lowest per capita emissions in the world, Minister Jairam Ramesh told Clinton during an unexpected discussion of climate negotiations during an event intended to showcase U.S.-Indian cooperation on clean energy at a “green” office building outside New Delhi..."
"Per capita" sounds like a good ploy here, but the concern is the total damage done to the planet, and if you have more "per capita" than just about anyone else, even if the carbon footprint per person is low, the overall effect can be enormous.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Intelligent Column On Race
Friday, July 17, 2009
ReBourne In The USA
"The Central Intelligence Agency’s secret assassination squad was allowed to operate anywhere in the world, including the United States, according to a Thursday report in The Washington Post..."
ACLU Half-Happy
"The ACLU has now weighed in on the Senate's passage of the Hate Crimes Law. In a nutshell, the ACLU says the House version is okay but the Senate version is not..."
Army Suicides Down
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Dissing The Dead At Arlington
Click on the link above and read the post. It's... not good.
Fighting Cancer One Bra At A Time
No Woody For Bushies
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Everyone Who's Surprised...
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
CC Bucks Coming
"...Obama refused to concede that point during his speech at Macomb Community College, where he said part of the answer to recovery is also in a new focus on community colleges. His proposed American Graduation Initiative would pump $12 billion into community colleges and add 5 million new graduates by 2020. The program, he said, would offer training to millions of students who cannot afford four-year universities and opportunity to older workers who need new skills.."
Monday, July 13, 2009
Provincial MindSet Expose
Good China, Bad nKorea
Meanwhile, cancer.
Threatening Jets
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Darth Glowing In The Dark
The pursuit of the Bush Criminals would have been my third priority as President. They must be brought down if our nation is to continue, otherwise the law means absolutely nothing and eventually no one will be paying it heed. Obama needs to remember the Constitution and his duty to enforce it.
A Profane Excuse
Keele University said in a release Sunday that school of psychology researchers Richard Stephens, John Atkins and Andrew Kingston had 64 undergraduate volunteers place their hands in ice water, once while swearing repeatedly and once while repeating a commonplace word..."
Fat Plague Coming
I guess I'm doomed, but at least I'll die knowing that I've made many non-smoking vegetarians happy-- they can dance in the street now that all the fat people are dead. But then-- at whom will they wag their fingers ?
Little O And The SOS
Perhaps, from time to time, he will trot her out so that the public knows that she still exists, unlike the way he treats Vice President Biden, who continues to make a fool of himself around the world as Obama's emissary..."
A Moderate Turn
'I will go around the country on behalf of candidates who believe in the right things, regardless of their party label or affiliation,' she said in an interview, 'People are so tired of the partisan stuff -- even my own son is not a Republican.'
Palin's son, Track, 20, is registered as 'non-partisan,' according to the Times.."
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Phony Democrats Flogged
As an example, let’s look at the alleged credit card reform recently signed by our president..."
Bush Exceeded Excess
"Reporting from Washington -- The Bush administration's post-Sept. 11 surveillance efforts went beyond the widely publicized warrantless wiretapping program, a government report disclosed Friday, encompassing additional secretive activities that created "unprecedented" spying powers..."
What Part Of "No"...
"American International Group's recent discussions with President Obama's compensation czar have centered on whether the company should pay about $250 million in promised bonuses that come due during the next nine months..."
Darth Dissembles
Friday, July 10, 2009
Comment Of The Day
When we said that the economy was badly broken and would be a horrible job to fix, and we questioned Obama’s readiness to do that, you and your Obot friends went LIVID.
You assured us he was entirely up to the task, that yes he COULD fix it, and how DARE we question whether he had the ability.
So spare me your excuses. He has yet to give any indication that he can do the job that you and he SWORE he could do. The economy was broken by Bush, but YOUR repairman gave us an estimate and a guarantee of the quality of his work. Don’t bitch now that the job is too hard, or harder than you thought.
HE is the one who said he could do it, not me."
Another Media Stink
"Gawker has a very interesting story today. Obama’s 4th of July party was, at the last minute, open to the press. Well, not for reporting, of course. The party had some invitations left over and passed them out among the WH press corps, many of whom happily attended.
Reporters from roughly 30 television networks, newspapers, magazines, and web sites celebrated the Fourth of July with Barack Obama at the White House last weekend. Why didn’t you know that? Because they were sworn to secrecy..."
Snakes On A Car Lot
CA Is Taking Donations
Michael Jackson memorial cost L.A. $1.4 million | TV, movie and music news | News |
"...A spokesperson for Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa lauded the final cost, saying it was "far less" than the initial estimate of $4 million. City attorney Carmen Trutanich said his office is looking into ways to legally require third parties to pick up some of the tab. The City of Los Angeles has also set up a Web page asking citizens to contribute money to help defray the costs. So far, fans have donated $17,000 through the site, but the effort has been hampered by heavy Web traffic that crashed the servers Tuesday night and several times Wednesday, according to the mayor's office."
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Good News, Bad News
Misleading Misleaders
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Palin's Positions
Stupidest Name Change Ever
WSJ On Palin
Monday, July 06, 2009
Haunts Of 'Nam
I well remember his drive to bring cost efficiency to the military. A sniper once killed four Viet Cong with a single bullet and remarked that the feat would surely warm the cost-cutting cockles of old Mac's heart.
Distracted Palin
Kristan Cole, who has been friends with Gov. Palin since both were in the same elementary school nearly 40 years ago, said she heard personally from the governor over the Fourth of July weekend. She was one of the few to speak with Gov. Palin, who stunned the political world when she announced Friday she was resigning, effective July 26. The governor gave no specific reason for her exit, beyond citing relentless complaints into her affairs that were hampering her ability to do her job..."
Sunday, July 05, 2009
The Google-Eyed
Haven't had Kool-Aid in years and my eye pressure is normal, but I still like Palin, not to the exclusion of all comers perhaps, but at least she has actually accomplished something in her life, unlike all the other political balsa that simply rose with the tide of mediocrity and family or business connections. We shall see.
For more Palin, Diamond Tiger has an excellent opinion piece up here. Charlotte Front and Center has a good piece here.
Who Briefed Little O?
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Another Price Of Freedom
"This is part two of a three part series recounting the experiences of Franklin part-time resident Helena Hoffman, who was a POW in two different Nazi prison camps for American citizens during World War II. It follows her journey from her birth in Pittsburgh to Polish parents through to her young adult life in Warsaw, Poland in WW II and ends with a description of her return to the United States and some of the difficulties she encountered upon her reentry and adjustment back into everyday life..."
Very interesting article which makes the point that injustice knows no national boundaries.
Friday, July 03, 2009
ReBushing Afghanistan
...When will the Obama administration stop transplanting the Bush administration's failed methods from Iraq to Afghanistan and Pakistan (US begins major offensive against Taliban, 1 July)? The strategy is the same one Rumsfeld used in Iraq in 2004-06. Cities like Samarra and Falluja were repeatedly assaulted with artillery, helicopters and air strikes, resulting in heavy civilian casualties and hundreds of thousands of refugees...
Palin Sets Intertoobs Ablaze
Technorati Tags: politics
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Comment Of The Day: Frankly Speaking
"Comment by Peggy Sue | 2009-07-02 15:06:59
Hahaha. Good one, oowawa. And perfect for Barney!
Frank must be tone deaf if he thinks the growing distrust and animosity started last week. His comments about Frannie Mae and Freddie Mac last year, how they were perfectly sound and solid, shortly before they collapsed was the point at which I said, “something’s very rotten in Denmark.”
It would be bad enough if Barney was the exception to the rule. But we have a whole slew of these so-called “representatives” from both parties with dirty hands and blanched hearts.
Time to start calling them out. They deserve more that our disdain. They deserve a Spartan jailcell. Toss them in with Bernie Madoff, birds of a feather.
The Frank whine is incredible. These people really have no regard for the public. They’re too busy covering their own rearends."
New Leadership At NOW
As the Next Wave of “feminism” is ushered in, women’s advocacy can learn a thing or two from the lessons of Wall Street. The success of national organizations such as NOW and The New Agenda are just as critical to the way forward for women’s advocacy as it was for the stock market to see Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley shore up their capital base..."
Deja Vu All Over Again
Sounds like the Dems immediately after Raygun's first election.