Friday, October 30, 2009

The Daily Flashback: Dirty Dick Edition

Cheney’s Dilemma–No dick or that is His Name? : NO QUARTER: "...And why in the world would the CIA send Ambassador Joe Wilson to Niger to find out if there was any credibility to the report? What the hell qualifies Joe Wilson? OK, just because he was the acting Ambassador in Iraq and faced down Saddam Hussein and saved American hostages does not mean anything. Just because Joe Wilson was the U.S. point person in Iraq for monitoring Iraq’s efforts to acquire nuclear weapons does not mean he is that qualified. He may have been one of the more informed people in the United States about Iraq’s nuclear activities and its efforts to acquire uranium yellow cake, but that is no reason to send him on a mission to Africa.

And what in the name of Allah does Joe Wilson know about Africa? Ok, let’s ignore the fact that he served as foreign service officer in several countries in Africa, he was an Ambassador in Africa and he was in charge of Africa at the National Security Council. Just because he followed the issue of uranium exports from Niger and their possible use in nuclear proliferation does not qualify Joe Wilson to do anything but drink green tea..."

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