Friday, May 14, 2010

Tea Party Alters Perception

Herein is a classic case of a pundit assuming that the Tea Partyers represent the coming face of America--Kim Strassel: The Democrats' Civil War -

"What do Joe Sestak, Bill Halter and Colleen Hanabusa have in common? The left loves them. This is yet another reason Democrats are in trouble this fall.

Given the obsessive coverage of the Republican "civil war," you may not realize Democrats are also feuding. Angry and disappointed that their president and Congress has not done more, the party's liberal base is throwing itself into the primaries, pushing the party to the left even as the country moves right..."

The voters wanted some leftward balance for the far right swing of recent years but what they got was more of the same-- the players changed but the politics still remained in the far right corner. Obama is a DINO, as are most of the Congress; maybe what Democrats want to elect are Democrats-- for a change (pun intended).

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