Sunday, January 02, 2011

Lest We Forget:Voter Fraud Edition

Riverdaughter's post is the most important post of the day. She recounts some of the outrages that led to Sen.Clinton being defrauded of the nomination. Read it if your blood pressure is good, otherwise your head may explode.

In case you missed this the first time… « The Confluence:

"...Let me just add that if Barack Obama had won fair and square, I would have been happy to vote for him. But from the very beginning of the primary season, he showed contempt for the voting process and with abiding by the rules of the convention. His whips were heavy handed, red-faced macho balls of fury, threatening, intimidating and brutish. By the end of the convention after all I’d seen and heard, Barack Obama was the last man on earth I would have voted for president. My vote for McCain was in protest of the unforgivable manner that the DNC treated its voters and delegates and the way it allowed its party apparatus to be highjacked by Obama’s thugs..."

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