Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Mr.Big Head Spews
Comment Of The Day: Bad O Edition
"That is perfect! Obama is lauded for his achievments and in the next breath they whine that he wasn’t able to do anything because of the times and the GOP. So typical of Obama and his fools who supported him. I can not tolerate that fool or tool of a President and the horse he rode in on and the people who pretended the emperor had clothes on. And worse yet are the ones who don’t have the courage to see reality and extoll the virtue of optimism and giving “him” a chance and then try to excuse what they did by saying they had no choice. Kristoff is a pompous ass. I really believe the NYT, the WAPO are totally run by CIA moles. Judith Miller was just one of many. Who would pay these toads for their opinions unless they were part of a larger plot? Friedman, a world class toad. I could go on but why."
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
O Faces Clinton Voters Irk
“...I’m heavily Democratic,” Mr. Harrity said. “But if the right Republican came along, I would be open to voting for him.”
This is a common refrain here in what is still called “Hillary Country,” where Mrs. Clinton’s family roots run deep and 75 percent of Democratic primary voters backed her failed bid for the Democratic nomination in 2008..."
The Daily Uh-Oh: Hacking Edition
Monday, November 28, 2011
An Outrageous Affront To Liberty
An OWS Profile
Writer Writes About UCD Incident
Sunday, November 27, 2011
No On Tax Holiday Extension
Saturday, November 26, 2011
More Calls To Murder Protesters
The One-Tenthers
Friday, November 25, 2011
GOPer Policy Delusion
Well, one or two, but certainly not all. Rick Perry nuanced? Bachmann knowledgeable? Com'on. Gravity is real; this hubris is not.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Short Term Thinking Killing US
'...Christensen recalls an interesting talk he had with the Morris Chang the chairman and founder of one of the firms, TSMC [TSM], who said:
“You Americans measure profitability by a ratio. There’s a problem with that. No banks accept deposits denominated in ratios. The way we measure profitability is in ‘tons of money’. You use the return on assets ratio if cash is scarce. But if there is actually a lot of cash, then that is causing you to economize on something that is abundant.”
Christensen agrees. He believes that the pursuit of profit, as calculated by the ratios like IRR and ROA, is killing innovation and our economy. It is the fundamental thinking drives that decisions that he believes are “just plain wrong...'”
O Economic Leadership
"...What would it look like if the president was offering such leadership? First, he’d be proposing a deficit-cutting plan that matches the scale of our problem — one with substantial tax reform and revenue increases, a gasoline tax, deep defense cuts and cutbacks to both Social Security and Medicare. That is the Simpson-Bowles plan, and it should be Obama’s new starting point for negotiations. The deficit plan Obama put out last September is nowhere near as serious. “It is watered-down Simpson-Bowles,” said MacGuineas. “Most people don’t even know it exists.”
Second, he’d offer a plan in which the wealthy have to pay their fair share and more, because they’ve had a great two decades. But everyone, including the middle class, has to contribute something. This has to be a national effort. Third, he would offer a plan that is aspirational. It would not just be a roadmap to balancing the budget but to making America great again through reignited economic growth..."
Huntsman, Paul Winners
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Money Are People? (sic)
Bachmann Gets What Clinton Never Could
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Dumber Than Ignorant
Pepper Spray And Pain
'...MORE: When Should Police Use Pepper Spray?
Classified as a riot-control agent and banned for use in war by Article I.5 of the Chemical Weapons Convention, pepper spray is meant to be used against violent attackers who are resisting arrest and threatening physical harm to others. That doesn't apply to the passive protesters at U.C. Davis.
"Pepper spray should only be used when there's a clear threat to officers or severe-enough resistance — essentially, when the only alternative is more extreme force," John MacDonald, professor of criminology at the University of Pennsylvania, told our colleague Nick Carbone over at NewsFeed. "But if the only threat is time, then the best weapon to exercise is patience..."'
Ballet In The Mountains
Banks Cleaning Up
OWS & Defining Success
Monday, November 21, 2011
Protesters Suing
Draft Hillary
'Reviving an idea they floated last year with an op-ed urging President Obama not to seek a second term, pollsters Patrick H. Caddell and Douglas E. Schoen are out Monday with a new op-ed drafting Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to be the Democrats' 2012 nominee.
Obama should “abandon his candidacy for reelection in favor of a clear alternative,” Caddell and Schoen wrote in Monday’s Wall Street Journal, because “the kind of campaign required for the president’s political survival would make it almost impossible for him to govern – not only during the campaign, but throughout a second term...”'
Sunday, November 20, 2011
More UCD Backlash
"...Could Chancellor Katehi please explain what "serious health and safety concerns" were posed at Davis that were absent at Columbia? The only thing that involved a "serious health and safety concern" at Davis yesterday was the pepper spray. I just spoke with a doctor who works for the California Department of Corrections, who participated in a recent review of the medical literature on pepper spray for the CDC. They concluded that the medical consequences of pepper spray are poorly understood but involve serious health risk. As with chili peppers, some people tolerate pepper spray well, while others have extreme reactions. It is not known why this is the case. As a result, if a doctor sees pepper spray used in a prison, he or she is required to file a written report. And regulations prohibit the use of pepper spray on inmates in all circumstances other than the immediate threat of violence. If a prisoner is seated, by definition the use of pepper spray is prohibited. Any prison guard who used pepper spray on a seated prisoner would face immediate disciplinary review for the use of excessive force. Even in the case of a prison riot in which inmates use extreme violence, once a prisoner sits down he or she is not considered to be an imminent threat. And if prison guards go into a situation where the use of pepper spray is considered likely, they are required to have medical personnel nearby to treat the victims of the chemical agent.
Apparently, in the state of California felons incarcerated for violent crimes have rights that students at public universities do not..."
Fake Terror
Saturday, November 19, 2011
The Flip Sides
"As irritating or disruptive as some may find the Occupiers, they are the conscience of America, like it or not. Their very physical presence is a reminder that the decline of America happened not because they didn’t believe in the American dream, but because the greed of Wall Street and the banks stole that dream...
The protesters are the scourge of humanity. Not only should the police remove the protesters, but they should do so with as much force as humanly possible. The OWS protesters are not a political movement. They are a lynch mob, and threaten the very fabric of American society..."
Friday, November 18, 2011
Missing All The Points
TVA Screwing Us, US, Them
Comment Of The Day: OWS Medicare Edition
Thank you Occupy Wall Street « The Confluence:
"Partition Functions, on November 18, 2011 at 2:37 am said:
Thanks too for being there. Would have been there myself, but I injured my ankle. I was at my local pharmacy a few days ago
and I overheard one of the pharmacists speaking loudly to a customer
over the telephone and this is what I heard (close to verbatim):
Pharmacist: Yes, it will now cost you $1500 a month. Your insurance will no longer cover it. (repeated several times).
Pharmacist: Please do not yell at me, I work my ass off here.
Pharmacist: This country is no longer rich, all the money went to Wall Street.
Pharmacist: You are not happy ? Then go to Occupy Wall Street.
Pharmacist: You have not heard of Occupy Wall Street ? Then turn on your TV.
I said to the pharmacist that I could not help but overhear the conversation and asked what that all about. She said that due to a change in Medicare, customers were finding out that some of their medication was no longer covered.
I have also noticed that a number of local stores have OWS flyers posted by or near their front entrance."
Why OWS Is Succeeding
Simply Left BehindThe Non-Rapturist's Guide To The Galaxy: Nobody Asked Me, But...:
"1) To understand why America is great, at least 35,000 people-- some reports put the number as high as 50,000-- gathered on a cold, damp autumn night in New York to march three miles. There was no daily radio or television show blaring invitations, no guest speakers, no bands.
Contrast that with the Glenn Beck rally a few summers ago: a warm August Sunday afternoon, guest speakers galore, including then-flirty candidate Sarah Palin, with subsidized buses bringing church groups from all across the nation in to stand in a beautiful field and listen to speeches and music.
He drew 70,000 people.
Good work, OWS!..."
BoA Thieving The Unemployed
"... In short, the same banks whose speculation delivered a financial crisis that has destroyed millions of jobs have figured out how to turn widespread unemployment into a profit center: The larger the number of people who are out of work and dependent upon the state for sustenance, the greater the potential gains through administering their benefits.
Millions of jobless Americans like Busby have little choice but to rely on the bank’s prepaid debit cards to collect their monthly benefits..."
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Call To Murder OWS
Hope For America: Tax Edition
"...Fink, who lives in Washington, D.C., said if the Bush tax cuts do not expire, the country "is digging itself a big hole by foregoing revenue."
"Without revenue, we will never solve the problem by giving tax cuts to the wealthy while supporting two foreign wars," Fink, a former AOL executive, said..."
The Eyes Have It
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Jesus And The Silenced Majority
The Hypocrisy Of The Newt: Part 1
"...You must understand: to Republican stalwarts, a relationship with Freddie Mac is the moral equivalent of satanism. Gingrich was a paid helper–and, believe me, he didn’t get paid $1.6 million to lecture the organization on the failures of government intervention in the market–in a “socialist” effort to make home-buying easier for people who ordinarily wouldn’t be able to afford houses, an effort that famously went off the rails when the government began supporting sub-prime and other highly questionable mortgages.
In other words, Gingrich was supporting–the best guess was that Gingrich was hired to win some Republican support for Freddie– the very sort of program that he routinely excoriates. This sort of hypocrisy is astounding but, sadly, not unknown to Newt. After all, this was the guy who led the Republican Impeachment of Bill Clinton while having an extra-marital affair of his own..."
Something Else Smelly In PA
![]() |
I Know Nothing! |
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
More Sandusky Sleaze Surfaces
Banks Fear Paul
Monday, November 14, 2011
1% Thievery
"..."From tax write-offs for gambling losses, vacation homes, and luxury yachts to subsidies for their ranches and estates, the government is subsidizing the lifestyles of the rich and famous," wrote Coburn, an Oklahoma Republican, in an accompanying letter. "Multimillionaires are even receiving government checks for not working. This welfare for the well-off -- costing billions of dollars a year -- is being paid for with the taxes of the less fortunate."
Calling the giveaways "sheer Washington stupidity," Coburn detailed in the study more than $30 billion a year that comes out of the U.S. Treasury to aid people who make more than a million a year...
The Good Old Sane GOP
'... Today's Republican Party may revere Reagan as the patron saint of low taxation. But the party of Reagan – which understood that higher taxes on the rich are sometimes required to cure ruinous deficits – is dead and gone. Instead, the modern GOP has undergone a radical transformation, reorganizing itself around a grotesque proposition: that the wealthy should grow wealthier still, whatever the consequences for the rest of us.
Modern-day Republicans have become, quite simply, the Party of the One Percent – the Party of the Rich.
"The Republican Party has totally abdicated its job in our democracy, which is to act as the guardian of fiscal discipline and responsibility," says David Stockman, who served as budget director under Reagan. "They're on an anti-tax jihad – one that benefits the prosperous classes..."'
Clinton As GOP Nominee?
"... The republican party is rife with contradictions at this point. The 44% republican evangelical base condemned Mit Romney for being a mormon, yet according to David Letterman, Romney was the only male republican candidate who has only been married one time, and to one woman.
In my opinion the Republicans should beg Hillary Clinton to run as a Republican, her moderate, well thought out, inclusive style of politics is exactly what this country needs right now."
Congressional Insider Trading
Sunday, November 13, 2011
The OWS Platform
Spitfire Still Does
Saturday, November 12, 2011
No Muslims In Military?
Veterans' Day
Friday, November 11, 2011
Social Darwinism Redux
The Wealthy Welfare State?
Thursday, November 10, 2011
This Week In Rebuking
Biker Special
Lying Liars Propaganda
Fox News Mafia
"News International chief James Murdoch rejected allegations his company behaved like a Mafia organization as he faced questions from lawmakers about what he knew about the phone-hacking scandal.
Questioning Murdoch about why so little information was shared, MP Tom Watson suggested the company operated an "omerta" code of silence. He said the "omerta" was "a group of people who are bound together by secrecy, who together pursue their group's business objectives with no regard for the law, using intimidation, corruption and general criminality."
"Would you agree with me that this is an accurate description of News International in the UK?" Watson asked..."
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
The Media Does Matter
"... Republicans and Democrats are mesmerized by the media, and they need to wake up to the America that exists outside the television box. Politics and entertainment have been deliberately fused into a never-ending reality TV show that has more to do with professional wrestling than it does with good government. During the past 3 years, political leaders have been staking out policy positions based on how consumers of these warped and ugly media products express themselves, often as cast members in the very same shows that they consume.
For shorthand, I'll call it "1% media" because the political content and the resulting disengagement and alienation that these media products produce directly serve the interests of the 1% as defined by the Occupy Wall Street movement.
The bubble had to break some time. And, in fact, I think that #OWS had something to do with it. They proved that there is another compelling narrative, and given a choice, more people began thinking for themselves. If there are two choices, that means there is more than one. That means we can have some agency in forming our own opinions. That means a lot."
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Working People Win One
" The state's new collective bargaining law was defeated Tuesday after an expensive union-backed campaign that pitted firefighters, police officers and teachers against the Republican establishment.
In a political blow to GOP Gov. John Kasich, voters handily rejected the law, which limits the bargaining abilities of 350,000 unionized public workers.
Labor and business interests poured more than $30 million into the nationally watched campaign, and turnout was high..."
KY Dem Gov Back In
Huntsman Rising?
Monday, November 07, 2011
Old-Young Income Gap Greatest Ever
Jobs & Gaming
"... I didn’t think all the hero worship of Steve Jobs over the past few weeks would end up invading my little video gaming corner of the world here, but I can’t let this go without a comment..."
Steve Jobs influence over everything but Apple has been wildly overstated, as the above post makes perfectly for the video game realm.
MS Proposal Would Outlaw Birth Control
Sunday, November 06, 2011
Comment Of The Day: Libertarian Edition
O's Challenge
Saturday, November 05, 2011
Mitt To Shaft Seniors
"...Romney’s plan still takes out taxes from your paychecks to fund the vouchers. But instead of the majority of those tax dollars going to care for seniors, like Medicare does today, millions will go into the pockets of executives and lobbyists along with paying for advertisements. It is essentially a huge way for the for-profit insurance companies to raid the treasury.
Again, if Republicans didn’t create this fiscal crisis by cutting taxes and increasing spending on the military, Medicare would be fully funded, Social Security wouldn’t have had to be raided to cover on going, operational expenses of the FBI, DEA and other departments.
This is all just part of a generations old plan to cut out the social safety net the Republicans have loathed since its inception."
Friday, November 04, 2011
Credit Unions Gain
It's The Movie, Stupid
Thursday, November 03, 2011
Sensible Evangelical Family Planning
"...Finally, a ray of hope: A group of evangelical Christians, led by Richard Cizik of The New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good, is drafting a broad statement of support for family planning. It emphasizes that family planning reduces abortion and lives lost in childbirth.
“Family planning is morally laudable in Christian terms because of its contribution to family well-being, women’s health, and the prevention of abortion,” the draft says.
Amen! Contraceptives no more cause sex than umbrellas cause rain.
So as we greet the seven-billionth human, let’s try to delay the arrival of the eight billionth. We should all be able to agree on voluntary family planning as a cost-effective strategy to reduce poverty, conflict and environmental damage. If you think family planning is expensive, you haven’t priced babies."
Did Obama Out Cain?
Cain: Sexual harassment claims "will not deter me" -
"Cain also repeated his accusation that Gov. Rick Perry, a conservative rival for the GOP nomination, was behind the allegations emerging as Cain rose to the top of polls in the race.
In particular, he noted that a former aide, Curt Anderson, signed on with the Perry campaign shortly before the allegations surfaced in a report Sunday by Politico..."
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Cain Agonistes: Sex Edition, Part 2
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
Google Does Good
"A U.S. law enforcement agency petitioned Google to take down a YouTube video showing police brutality, the web giant revealed in a new report.
Google said it refused the request, placed sometime between January and June of this year, though it did not specify why..."
Semi-Local Nuts Caught
I, Prophet
Herman Cain supporters claim 'high-tech lynching' is behind sexual harrassment accusations - The Daily Record:
'LEADING US conservatives rushed to support Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain today as he became engulfed in sexual harassment claims.
Backers said he was the victim of "high-tech lynching"...'