Wednesday, October 03, 2012


Simply Left BehindThe Non-Rapturist's Guide To The Galaxy: Tyranny Of The Minority

...The Senate, for example, can effectively vote a bill down with the filibuster. The filibuster means that if only 40% of the Senate disagrees with a bill, it's gone. It doesn't matter if 70% of the people would vote for it, all you need are 40 Senators who refuse to even consider it.
Talk about a tyranny of the minority!
Even at the state level, we see this. California, for instance, can't even raise taxes without two-thirds approval by the legislature. That's democracy? That's unAmerican, is what that is: the legislative process is held hostage by a small minority of radicals who legislate strictly on ideology, with no consideration of rationality or even practicality.
Keep that in mind when you cast your vote for President this election cycle. It's about as close to democracy as even America will ever get.

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