Thursday, July 25, 2013

Dueling Economies

The day the right lost the economic argument -
...When even USA Today goes all Keynesian instead of going Galt, the Right is clearly losing the argument about the economy. Conservative Republicans have enough power in Congress to block most of the progressive agenda. But they do not have a plausible alternative to the progressive vision of the past, present and future of the U.S. economy that President Obama has set forth.


Alessandro Machi said...

The economy is constrained by falling income AND the way credit card defaulters are being treated.

that is 75% of the problem. The other 25% is the way the U.S. stock market runs.

Check out my blog to learn more.

Bob Harrison said...

You're more knowledgeable than I on the subject and I do agree with you in general. I do differ a bit on the percentages in that I blame Wall Street more than the banks, though at times it is hard to see the difference between the two. Debtors from the lower-econ strata are certainly being stomped on and if it doesn't stop, we will end up with violence and chaos.