Saturday, July 20, 2013

Right And Left Z-Nonsense

Albany Herald | GOP won’t attract black voters with bigots in its midst:
...To stick with a prominent example, Limbaugh recently dedicated a show to mocking prosecution witness Rachel Jeantel — whom Martin talked to on his cellphone as Zimmerman followed him. Limbaugh claimed that Martin was a homophobe who “attacked” Zimmerman, believing he was a “pervert.”

#Have there been similarly outrageous comments from talking heads on the left? Of course. The verdict has prompted name-calling, hot-headed denunciations and racial demagoguery from a lot of folk who ought to know better.

#But there is an important difference: There are precious few significant ties between the Democratic Party apparatus and liberal commentators. When voters think of Democratic leaders, they think of President Barack Obama, who has been quite cautious in his response to the Zimmerman verdict, as he usually is on issues of race. Or they think of Attorney General Eric Holder, who has been more voluble, but equally cautious...

As I have found out, voicing any kind of opinion that doesn't square with liberal politics means you are a Confederate (yes, that is about the craziest name I've ever been called), a racist, and the worst kind of vote-suppressing bigot. According to witness testimony, Martin was on top of Zimmerman beating him and slamming his head into the sidewalk. I opined that I wouldn't allow someone to beat me death just so I could be called a liberal. Whoaee! You'd have thought I'd donned white robes, mounted a black horse, and started burning crosses on the White House lawn. In another place, I mentioned O.J., and here they came again, pitchforks a-gleam and torches blazing.

Instead of preaching tolerance to the GOP crazies, why don't these Obotic liberals try practicing tolerance as an example to the GOP moderates and the rest of the reasonable conservatives? The results would be gratifying.


billy pilgrim said...

they all became experts on the case without any real knowledge of what happened and obama's comment about having a son that would look like travon struck me as pure pandering to his base.

Bob Harrison said...

you are exactly right. or else a whole lot of people have suffered willful deafness. obama's contention also suffered from another flaw-- i can't imagine him jumping a guy no matter what has gone down. i'll sure be glad when it's safe to hang out with my friends again, unless i have ostracized for being contrary. it's tuff living in the middle-- that's where you find the road kill.