Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Neocon Whining and the Politics of Forgiveness

From digby:

“Francis Fukuyama writes a WATB essay in today's LA Times about how mean everybody is being to him now that he's changed his mind about Iraq. . .

Get ready to hear a lot of this whining now that the Republicans may be at the end of their looting spree. They made their money, got their judges, their tax cuts and their wars. Now it's time to put the past behind us and make nice nice. We're supposed to end to all this nastiness and forgive and forget. For the good of the country, of course.

I have written this before, and I'm sure everyone is tired of reading it, but the Republicans must be held accountable for their actions or they will come back like the undead and do this again. We failed as a country to properly discipline this corrupt rogue faction when they tried this executive power grab in the 70's and Cheney and Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz and others came back to try it again. We need to drive a figurative stake through the heart of this pernicious philosophy. . .

Oh, and by the way. If you don't think this resurgence of victimized whining has a purpose, think again. I heard Karl Rove speaking to the Republican Lawyers Association on Friday (via C-Span) and he was going on and on and on about how the Democrats are cheating in elections. He cited "case" after "case" in which Democrats are disenfranchising Republicans all over the country. It's shocking: the voter fraud, the throwing out of Republicans absentee ballots, the partisan vote count manipulation. He's very worried about the integrity of our elections and thinks Republicans will be at a permanent disadvantage is something isn't done. I kid you not. Get ready for the cries of disenfranchised Christians. It's coming.”

Two words for you Karl: Florida, Ohio.

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