Monday, April 10, 2006

Universal Military Sufferage

A modest little proposal: Bring back the draft:

"The little emperor in the White House is walking a fine line on the mess he's made of Iraq.

On one hand, he loves bombs that go boom, and he plans to keep sending our troops to war indefinitely.

On the other, the American public is growing vaguely uneasy about this war."

"So I say, let's bring back the draft. Let's scare the bejesus out of middle- and upper-class families. Let's make everyone start paying for Bush's recklessness.

Because if we do that, it will be the quickest road to peace.

You might recall how much the draft endeared the nation to the White House during Vietnam. It was so endearing, in fact, that Congress ended it in 1973 just to make those damn flag-burning, dope-smoking, hair-growing, sitting-in, protest-marching, middle-class hippies go away.

Well, that crowd will make a comeback the minute we bring back the draft. I guarantee that the uptight Young Republicans on college campuses all over the country will start trading in their buttoned-down suits for some tie-dye shirts, cut-off jeans, Jesus sandals and a few hundred thousand anti-war posters.

I say no college exemptions this time around, either. No marriage exemptions. And draft the girls, too. No girl exemptions.

Can't draft the gays, of course. I say send all the straight people off to war and let the homosexuals take care of the homeland. Wouldn't that just fry the little anti-gay emperor? The whole country would be tastefully redecorated by the time the war ends!

That alone is reason enough to bring back the draft and send the rich, straight people to Iraq.

This is not an original idea, of course. A while back, New York Democrat Rep. Charles Rangel introduced a House bill calling for the draft..."

And a hearty "Amen" from me!

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