Thursday, May 04, 2006

Taxing Choices

On Marky Hyman's little flat tax bait-and-switch--

from The Counterpoint: "Who would have thunk it? Mark Hyman advocates soaking the rich by taxing them more in his latest commentary. Has he become a card-carrying liberal?

Heavens, no. Rather, he plays the same cynical game he’s played many times before: conflating tax fairness with tax flatness. By doing this, he advocates for a tax system that would benefit the wealthy, but sell it to a middle-class audience as a way to get the rich to pay their fair share.

Hyman quotes figures from the right-wing think tank, the Tax Foundation, on what filling out taxes costs Americans in terms of money and time. He then runs out to the barn and fashions a straw man argument that doesn’t pass the giggle test:

Critics claim a fair and simple tax code would burden the poor and benefit the wealthy.

No one has said that. What any number of economists, tax lawyers, and other experts have argued is that a flat tax would benefit the wealthy. But fairness and flatness aren’t the same thing. . ."

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