Friday, April 06, 2007

Shadowy Pelosi

Think Progress » Washington Post Misleads, Contradicts Own Reporting, To Attack Pelosi: "Washington Post Misleads, Contradicts Own Reporting, To Attack Pelosi

The Washington Post editorial page today published a vicious editorial attacking Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), calling her “ludicrous” and describing her bipartisan trip to Syria as an “attempt to establish a shadow presidency.”

The editorial rests on two claims, both of which are baseless:.." that she passed and incorrect message from Israel to Syria and that she is trying to establish a "shadowy presidency." Think Pprogess has more detail on the two claims, but one comment observed: "A Pelosi 'shadow presidency' would be a major improvement over a totally incompetent, “Bush league” empty suit. Comment by LWM" to which I completely concur.

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