Friday, April 06, 2007

Veep Handles Media Again

Dick "Last Throes" Cheney, overseer of the worst foreign policy mistake in US History, attacks the Speaker. The media lap it up. - AMERICAblog: A great nation deserves the truth: "...As Dan Froomkin noted earlier this week, 'too many reporters prefer uncritical transcription to the kind of tough but fair analysis that would be required to put what the president [or vice president] says in context.' Too many reporters never provided context to White House statements. They regurgitate them -- even when it's Dick Cheney spewing on Rush Limbaugh. That's just absurd on its face. But, the White House knows how to play them. As usual, Tim Russert fell for it this morning on the Today Show -- acting all sanctimonious as he discussed this issue with foreign policy expert Matt Lauer. The Bush team counts on just that kind of reaction from the patsies in the press. And, true to form, they got it.."

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