Sunday, July 22, 2007

More On Media Bias

Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog » Everything Old Is New Again: "...The relentless coverage of the Edwards’ haircut smacks of an incredible amount of hypocritical schadenfreude from these fake Heathers — since high-priced television news personalities, with their need for Botox-ed and groomed make-up and hair perfection, anti-aging oxygen facials, and such that is a requirement in a business that promotes image over substance relentlessly live those expensive haircut and spa treatments on a weekly basis. To hear the sort of faux populist spin that all of them have tried to put on the haircut nonsense, knowing both the salary requirements and the grooming regimins of these people is appalling enough.

But to hear all of this — and the recent “Hillary has boobs” expose (so to speak) — one notices a big, gaping pattern: why is it that Democratic candidates get the full Heathers treatment, while Hollywood Fred and Make-up Mitt and Rudy Guiliani and his travelling cross-dressing show, and all the other superficial gaffes and goofs get nary a mention?

The double standard has to stop. But it will only do so when we all stand up together and say collectively “enough.” I’m with Jamo — ENOUGH."

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