Saturday, November 03, 2007

Foxes and Henhouses

Sen. Sherrod Brown: New Leadership Needed at the Consumer Product and Safety Commission - Politics on The Huffington Post

"...Earlier this week, however, a New York Times story revealed that CPSC Acting Chairwoman Nancy Nord is actively working against these improvements. That is just plain shameful.

This morning's Washington Post revealed that -- in addition to fighting agency improvements -- Chairwoman Nord has enjoyed trips across the country paid for by the very toy companies she is responsible for regulating. That is just plain outrageous. These were trips paid for by the toy industry, the industry now under scrutiny for cutting corners. Corners that earn big profits for industry CEOs and send toxic toys into our children's bedrooms...

...Chairwoman Nancy Nord should step down. It's time to put a Chairperson in place who is not satisfied with 'we're doing the best we can.' We need a chairperson who fights for the authority and resources the CPSC needs to do the job it is supposed to so.

We need real leadership at the CPSC. Leadership that does not side with manufacturers over consumer safety. Leadership whose only bottom line is the safety and well being of our nation, of our families, of our children."

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