Thursday, January 31, 2008

On TK's Endorsement

Democrat Taylor Marsh Broadcasts Live Talk Radio and Blogs Politics: "Hell Hath No Fury Like a Kennedy Scorned"

"...There's more to Sen. Edward Kennedy's endorsement of Barack Obama than meets the eye. Apparently, part of the reason why the liberal lion from Massachusetts embraced Obama was because of a perceived slight at the Kennedy family's civil rights legacy by the other Democratic presidential primary frontrunner, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.).

Sources say Kennedy was privately furious at Clinton for her praise of President Lyndon Baines Johnson for getting the 1964 Civil Rights Act accomplished. Jealously guarding the legacy of the Kennedy family dynasty, Senator Kennedy felt Clinton's LBJ comments were an implicit slight of his brother, President John F. Kennedy, who first proposed the landmark civil rights initiative in a famous televised civil rights address in June 1963.

One anonymous source described Kennedy as having a "meltdown" in reaction to Clinton's comments. ..."

and furthermore

"Well, Teddy does have a history of these things. He kept Sargent Shriver off the dem ticket in 68 cause he didn't want a Kennedy in-law getting a shot at the Presidency, before a Kennedy (read:Me) and who can forget his ill-fated attempt to unseat Jimmy Carter in 1980, taking that all the way to the convention, even though Carter crushed him in the primaries. I doubt Carter could have won the election anyway, but Teddy's divisive campaign thoroughly took all of the energy out of the convention. None of this is surprising to me. It fits a pattern. read more in the comment section below..."

Wow. All this and the impending Obama/ Kenya scandal, too.


Faded said...

It's amazing how much gets LOST as well as found in my forays on the net... Re-found your site. Putting you back on the old blogroll...

Have a good one..

Bob Harrison said...

Thanks, fade. I appreciate it.