Monday, June 30, 2008
Internet Down Here
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Comment of the Day
There was nothing that could be done to fight Bush, the fix was in. Americans accepted the ruling from the SC, they didn’t like it but they accepted it.
Then they vowed never again.
Then that spineless coward Kerry claimed he would fight if anything was wrong with the vote. He folded up in day and is the only one who could bring a suit.
So, when we see the Dems and the MSM pulling a fast one trying to install another person, like the Reps did.
YOU should be concerned, since it is the same media that sold you Dubya and the Iraq war, and is starting to sell this Iran thing in the same way.
Obama voted to continue funding Halliburton….and Halliburton is who sold Iran the centrifuges needed to enrich the uranium. The GAO has reported that we sold jet parts to planes that only Iran flies indicating another behind the scenes deal. And that the rhetoric is for the world stage. Much like the when the Iran/Contra scandal was going on..."
Pretty Page
Nader Oracle
Puma Posing
Will Bower with justsaynodeal on Fox with Molly Henneberg
Parts Is Parts
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Here’s the evidence:..." click.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Greenwald On KO Hypocrisy and O'FlipFlop

Glenn Greenwald - "...Olbermman then denies that he was justifying Obama's support for the FISA bill but then goes on to do exactly that:
Seriously, there is little in the polls to suggest McCain has anything to run with other than terror . . . . So why hand them a brick to hit him with -- Obama Voted Against FISA -- if voting Aye enhances his chances of getting himself his own Attorney General to prosecute FISA.
How can Olbermann accuse me of distorting his commentary and deny that he's rationalizing Obama's support for the bill and then write the above -- which does nothing but justify Obama's support for the bill? That's exactly the mentality I was criticizing yesterday -- that Obama should be excused for supporting this assault on core Constitutional liberties and the rule of law because doing so is necessary to avoid appearing Weak on Terrorism. That's the behavior which Obama has repeatedly vowed to reject, and it's that precise mentality that has to be extinguished, not perpetuated..."
New Political Party Forming
...otherwise known as the confluence of the Pumas and the Strange Bed Fellows (what wonderful cartoons and mascots those two would engender!)
Following a cogent discussion of Ross Perot, danps arrives at this conclusion:
Quoted from
The Democrats' Risky Strategy | Corrente
...What is real and very similar, though, is the restlessness of a good part of the electorate. Last week may have seen the start of a new alliance between civil libertarian-minded citizens on the right and the left with the creation of The Strange Bedfellows. It began largely in response to the FISA reform bill, and look at the events surrounding it: Steny Hoyer negotiated it behind closed doors, introduced it and less than 24 hours later engineered a vote (with the blessing of Nancy Pelosi), all in the face of outrage from the left. A site was created for contributions to oppose it and it raised six figures literally overnight. Democratic capitulation on the burgeoning surveillance state has created tension that seeks an outlet. The party’s continued rubber stamp of the President’s hugely unpopular Iraq policy is another source of tremendous frustration.
Democrats are playing a dangerous game. They apparently reason that Republicans will bear the brunt of dissatisfaction over Washington’s unpopular policies. That may well be true. The GOP faces a disaster this year because they gained control of all major parts of government and then engaged in an orgy of excess, alienating moderates and depressing their loyalists. Having achieved their electoral goal they spent all their credibility very quickly. Democrats seem to be in the process of a sellout of a different sort. They seized control of both houses of Congress but seem oblivious (or indifferent) to the public’s anger. Instead they seem to be playing a game of political jujitsu, using the overexertions of the right to give them leverage to flip them totally off the mat. It may be a brilliant tactical move but one with long term risks. First, urgent policy issues fester because no meaningful action can happen under such a strategy. That leads to the second problem, deep dissatisfaction with what comes to be seen as a lesser of two evils. By eschewing opposition the Democrats are creating a pool of thwarted activists. Such people are primed to create new realities or respond to the latest version of a quirky billionaire with homemade charts. I’ve written before about the Republicans’ implosion; the ground may be shifting underneath the Democrats as well.
PUMA Accounting
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Energy Prize Sweepstakes
Prizes for scientific achievements are not new; modern food preservation came about thanks to Napoleon offering a prize to the first person who came up with a way to keep food from spoiling. (He was interested in troops in the field.) [No. You look it up. Use the Google!]
Olive Thievery
Around eight tonnes of olives disappeared without a trace from hundreds of trees on five properties in the popular tourist destination north of Sydney virtually overnight earlier this month, residents said Wednesday..."
Pro/Con Racial Voting
And there are millions more who are voting for Obama because he is black.
O'FISA Flip-Flopping
Quoted from
That Was Obama Then . . . - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime
That Was Obama Then . . .
Obama campaign during the primaries:
To be clear: Barack will support a filibuster of any bill that includes retroactive immunity for telecommunications companies.
This is Obama now:
My view on FISA has always been that the issue of the phone companies per se is not one that overrides the security interests of the American people."
Can you say "willing to say or do anything to win?" Or if you prefer, the "new" politics.
Speaking for me only
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Not News Reminder
Nader Takes A Shot
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Water Car
Petrol pricey? Japanese invent car that runs on water | Lifestyle | Reuters: "TOKYO (Reuters Life!) - Tired of petrol prices rising daily at the pump? A Japanese company has invented an electric-powered, and environmentally friendly, car that it says runs solely on water.
Genepax unveiled the car in the western city of Osaka on Thursday, saying that a liter (2.1 pints) of any kind of water -- rain, river or sea -- was all you needed to get the engine going for about an hour at a speed of 80 km (50 miles).
'The car will continue to run as long as you have a bottle of water to top up from time to time,' Genepax CEO Kiyoshi Hirasawa told local broadcaster TV Tokyo.
'It does not require you to build up an infrastructure to recharge your batteries, which is usually the case for most electric cars,' he added.
Once the water is poured into the tank at the back of the car, the a generator breaks it down and uses it to create electrical power, TV Tokyo said."
Keeping Your Word
"Hillary fulfilled a pledge made long, long ago to a young teen.
Tennessee Guerilla Woman reports that "Hillary Rodham Clinton kept [a] promise to her 'honorary niece' Aleatha Williams and spoke at her high school graduation at Pelham Preparatory Academy in the Bronx."
When Williams graduated from middle school, Hillary promised to attend her high school graduation. And we guess when Hillary makes a promise, she keeps it; you know, like that pesky wedding vow everyone accused her of upholding for political gain.
Hmmm, and what about FISA, Obama?? Sure hope it doesn't go the same way as your presidential public campaign financing promise. TGW has a short video of Hillary looking gorgeous, as usual."
Then Clinton went on to stomp puppies and strangle kitties...
Tonal Flaashback
Michelle Obama might not back Hillary
Monday, June 23, 2008
NoBo Reason #1
Here is the main thing your article fails to take into account, and the main thing every single media outlet in this country likewise ignores: The number one reason we will not support Senator Obama for President is that he is not qualified for the job..."
The Eighth Word
"George Carlin, 71, the much-honored American stand-up comedian whose long career was distinguished by pointed social commentary that placed him on the cultural cutting edge, died last night in Santa Monica, Calif..."
Sunday, June 22, 2008
MoDo Spiked
"...In this same edition of the New York Times, the Public Editor Clark Hoyt has some scathing criticism of her columns on Hillary Clinton:
Dowd’s columns about Clinton’s campaign were so loaded with language painting her as a 50-foot woman with a suffocating embrace, a conniving film noir dame and a victim dependent on her husband that they could easily have been listed in that Times article on sexism, right along with the comments of Chris Matthews, Mike Barnicle, Tucker Carlson or, for that matter, Kristol, who made the Hall of Shame for a comment on Fox News, not for his Times work..."
Rape Joke Rejected
Well, I missed it that the Williams joke was 18 years old; I thought it was like, last week or something. My bad.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
O'Blogger Commentariat
"...Here is what it looks like when the Kool Aid begins to wear off and the Pods wake up:
From Huffy:
Deal breaker! I have given hundreds of dollars to the Obama campaign, but not a penny more. I can't even begin to express my contempt for his chicken "s" crap. The one thing that Barack Obama doesn't have is a track record. So his statement that he will take a close look at this later, when he is president, is way, way too little too late. If Barack Obama can't be counted on to stand up for what is a clear and unambiguous threat to out constitutional form of government, then I can only conclude that his "new politics" is little more than a hollow slogan. This blows!..."
Good round-up of comments from Places That Shall Not Be Named.
“Look, Diane,” Obama said, according to a participant who attended the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) meeting. “John McCain, if he’s elected, is going to pick a Supreme Court that will roll back every gain women have made in the last 50 years.”
Seeming frustrated, Obama started talking more bluntly about why women should be supporting him over Sen. McCain (R-Ariz.), whatever their feelings about the divisive Democratic primary campaign..."
Obama goes on to present the phony Supreme Court argument as a great reason to support him. It's phony for two reasons: 1) the GOPers already have the votes (Kennedy will swing with them) overturn Roe v. Wade, but they're not going to toss one of their best base-rousing issues, and 2) the Dems will have the majority and can easily block an odious Supreme Court appointment. Oh, and he tells women to "get over it."
FISA O'Filibuster Promised
" Let's hold him to this October 2007 promise:
Senator Obama has serious concerns about many provisions in this bill, especially the provision on giving retroactive immunity to the telephone companies. He is hopeful that this bill can be improved by the Senate Judiciary Committee. But if the bill comes to the Senate floor in its current form, he would support a filibuster of it.
(Emphasis supplied.) If Obama does not filibuster telecom immunity, it proves his commitments can not be trusted. That he will say and do anything to win, even if he does not mean it. A test for Obama's credibility is at hand.
Speaking for me only."
Taylor Marsh on supporting the FISA compromise:
"...Way to go Democrats! You showed them, er... Way to stand up, um... No caving to fear-mongering from you #*@$! Spineless, the lot of them who caved on this just to make sure Republicans couldn't say they were "soft on terrorism."
As long as Republicans get to lead top Democrats, including our nominee, around by the nose on national security we will forever be taking a back seat to these Spy Now No Consequences Later Republicans. Pathetic in every sense of the word.
Now we wait for Senator Obama to "work" to remove the immunity so Democrats can "seek" accountability. And when he falls short of the votes what then? I suspect he'll suck it up like all the rest of these pantywaist "war on terror" toadies. Again, not that I expected anything different from him. But I bet his supporters are having a rude awakening of what they got from this guy right now. It's been quite a week for Senator Obama: walking away from public financing (good move, which I predicted from the start); now a cave in of all cave ins complete with a weasel word fog of monumental proportions.
Not much change so far. Keep hoping!"
Friday, June 20, 2008
Presumptive First Lady Daily Tango
"Cindy McCain is pictured in Vietnam, also quoted criticizing Burma, taking a page from Hillary Clinton's playbook: "I don’t understand how human life doesn’t matter to somebody. But clearly, it doesn’t matter to them.”
Senatorial Gender Love Fest
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Goring Gore, Part 2
Quoting Katie
"...Adding to her comments last night in Washington -- "that Sen. Clinton received some of the most unfair, hostile coverage I've ever seen" -- Katie Couric has filmed a Keith Olbermann-style special commentary (called ner "Notebook") slamming the media for its sexist coverage of Hillary Clinton and claiming that the sexist coverage hurt her chances at becoming the Democratic party nominee. The Notebook will air tonight on CBS affiliates and on CBS radio, and will live on
"One of the great lessons of [Hillary Clinton's] campaign is the continued and accepted role of sexism in American life, particularly in the media....It isn't just Hillary Clinton who needs to learn a lesson from this primary season -- it's all the people who crossed the line, and all the women and men who let them get away with it."
Couric's reference in the video to "mainstream pundits saying they instinctively cross their legs at the mention of her name" is specifically about Tucker Carlson, who often made such a claim while still on MSNBC during the campaign.
Well, I may have to start watching CBS. (Btw, the quote links back to a blog I don't hit anymore, hence the indirect reference.)
Lucky Choice?
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Who's The Idiot?
"...One of the most die-hard of these right-wing frames is that liberals “hate America.” Why in the world would conservatives think that, we liberals wonder? We love America. We love America so much that we want her to have the best government possible. Can’t these idiotic conservative buttheads understand the difference between hating America and hating America’s government and policies?
Well, maybe they can’t. And maybe…it’s partially our fault, because we do things like this.
You see, we liberals don’t choose our symbols wisely. If we are upset with the government, we should not burn a flag. The flag is not Democratic, Republican or Rosicrucian. It is simply a symbol of America itself. Why would we burn a symbol of America…if we don’t hate America?
Now, who is the idiot - the one that draws simple conclusions from symbolic acts, or the one that doesn’t understand what conclusions will be drawn from these very same acts?..."
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
New Clinton Group
An open convention.
Senator Clinton's name on the ballot
Speeches allowed by supporters of Senator Clinton on
behalf of her candidacy.
A roll call vote.
No coronation..."
Goring Gore
Oil 2.0
"There’s good news and bad news. The good news is that scientists in Silicon Valley have bred genetically modified bacteria that consumes agricultural waste and secrete crude petroleum oil.
That’s the good news. The bad news is…
I’m not quite sure. What about this pulling research and development away from cleaner renewable energy sources just to make more of the old stuff? Well, except… instead of pumping out more carbon into the atmosphere, this “Oil 2.0” is not only renewable but also carbon negative – it emits less carbon than is sucked from the atmosphere by the raw materials from which it is made. Oh, and the raw materials? Not going to be corn (so no more tortilla riots in Mexico City) nor palm oil (no more deforestation in the Amazon) – it eats wheat straw from California and woodchips from the timber industry in the South..."
Monday, June 16, 2008
Taylor Victimized
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Priests and Warriors
No Deal Coalition
There is an answer. We are now a member of a Rogue Coalition of PUMAs, NOBAMA websites, disaffected Clintonistas. The name of our coalition is Just Say No Deal.
Go. Join. Spread the word."
Tossing The Sexism Stone
"The 2008 campaign has been a very disillusioning experience for a lot of people. You can make a very good case that Barack Obama was the right person for the Democrats to nominate, and Hillary Clinton the wrong choice. But the way we got there was terrible. The raw sexism, in all too many cases coming from alleged progressives — see above — was part of it. So, too, was the inability of many alleged progressives to see that the news media created the narrative of Hillary Clinton as race-baiter in much the same way that, 8 years ago, they created the narrative of Al Gore as congenital liar — by assembling a montage of quotes taken out of context and willfully misinterpreted..."
Revisiting The Sins Of Some Fathers
Below is the video from the site, but do visit; it is a very interesting blog.
Offlimits? Not So Much.
Listen Up, DNC
"...One question that no one in the MSM or the “serious” blogosphere has tried to answer is why have so many hard-core Democrats, people in the party for decades, rallied so strongly to Hillary’s side, their support becoming stronger and more obdurate the more she was declared a failed candidate? In most political races, the perception of being a winner or a loser will usually sway the voters, emphasizing the upside – like Obama’s big bump after Iowa – or reinforcing the downside – like Edwards never recovering after losing in Iowa. Hillary’s support increased the more it was accepted by the media that she had already lost. Take this phenomenon seriously because it did happen. When else have we seen this pattern in the rank and file? When Bill was under impeachment. The regular Democrats evidently know when someone is being railroaded by the media and they push back.
The press did to her what it did to Al Gore in 2000, inventing faux scandals and alleging words and behaviors that never happened. The epistemological status of the “stories” spread in the news is exactly zero – they have no real, rational basis. It is interpretation based on flimsy (if any) evidence. It simply did not exist. The difference between the rightwing hunting of the president in the 90s and the wilding of Gore in 2000 is this time the allegedly opposition blogosphere and “left” media fell all over itself to lap up the sewage flowing out of the same sources that have been brutalizing the Democratic Party, the left, liberalism and, frankly, democracy, since Reagan’s ascendency in 1980. They have picked up the crap, eager gobbled it down, and have fully incorporated it into their perspectives, rhetorical methods, and standards of evidence.
The liberal opposition has disappeared, all too eager to do the Right’s work for it.
Why else is there no conception or acknowledgement that there is a crisis of legitimacy at the core of the Democratic Party right now?..."
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Relgion Raisin'
Affiliation Equals Denial of Benefits
Staff Sergeant Will King retired from the Army in late 2003, after serving in both the first Gulf War and the war in Afghanistan. As one of the first troops into the Afghan theater after 9/11, Will had been awarded a Bronze Star after participating in fierce fighting in the Shah-e-Kot Valley in March 2002. I know, because I was there with him..."
Friday, June 13, 2008
Daily Howler: Of Pundits and Teachers
On education policy: "...It’s the most familiar proposal in the annals of history: Hold the other guy accountable! In this case, the principle devolves to this: Blame the teachers well!
Blame the teachers (and the administrators) well! As we’ve explained in the past, it has been the foundational theory of upper-class “school reform” since we entered the Baltimore City Schools way back in 1969. From way-on-the-outside peering in, high-minded elites have always insisted that everything would turn out fine if those teachers would just start doing their jobs. At first, we were told the teachers weren’t doing their jobs because they were such slobbering racists. When these elites finally learned that many black kids were actually being taught by black teachers, we were then told they weren’t doing their jobs because they were so g*d-damned lazy. And basically, that’s the theory that obtains today among these lofty, high-minded reformers. We’ll just stamp our feet at the teachers, they say—we’ll just “insist” they “become more accountable!” Throw in high-minded statements about “standing up for the children” and you have a formula for more decades of fumbling improvement..."
Examples of poor punditry: "... The Clintons “weren't exactly refuting charges of Nixonian tactics there?” The Clintons weren’t quoted in the piece. In fact, here’s what Leibovich said about Hillary Clinton, based on things he says he was told by unnamed campaign officials: “Mrs. Clinton has a short list of people who disappointed her.” Wow! Her evil ways just never stop! But in the mind of a butt-kissing climber like Crowley, that sentence let him put “Enemies List” into a headline—a headline which said that Hillary Clinton had such a list—and it let him tut-tut-tut about what she “wasn’t exactly doing.” But then, many boot-licking boys like Crowley run to show that they will accept whatever narrative their clan may lay out for them. (Why on earth did Candidate Gore cite seven years as a journalist?) Yesterday, the term “Enemies List” had reached the top headline at The Huffington Post by noon. By the way: If you want to peruse the work of people who really can’t read a newspaper story, just scan the inaccurate, cosmically gullible statements by so many of Crowley’s commenters. Remember when we liberals used to claim that we were smarter than those dumb-*ss conservatives?..."
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Impeachment Polls
"When Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) introduced articles of impeachment against George W. Bush on Monday, he drew ridicule from Republicans, apathy from most Democrats, and silence from the mainstream media.
However, polls show that Americans want Bush impeached far more than they ever supported the impeachment of Bill Clinton in 1998.
In 1998, when the media was in a feeding frenzy over Clinton's impeachment, polls consistently showed that Americans opposed impeachment. Not only that, but Clinton's approval rating actually increased during the impeachment proceedings. For example, on Dec. 20, 1998, Clinton's approval rating climbed to 73 percent (a higher approval rating than Ronald Reagan ever enjoyed)..."
Fast Gas
Turning The Screw
No Bucks Here
The bill -- the Emergency Extended Unemployment Compensation Act -- extended 13 extra weeks of unemployment benefits to jobless workers, and 13 weeks on top of that for those in states, like Michigan, with a jobless rate of 6 percent or higher.
U.S. Rep. Sander Levin, D-Royal Oak, said Democratic leaders will bring the bill up again today under a different rule that requires a simple majority vote..."
Comment of the Day
I predicted this weeks ago after seeing how many of Obama’s big corporate supporters have big-money contracts in Iraq.
I called it: he will not remove the troops from Iraq.
Obama will keep our boys there to be like security guards for his buddies corporate interests.
My second prediction?
If president, Obama will lift the trade embargo with Iran.
Because G.E. is still doing business in Iran.
G.E. is one of Oabma’s biggest corporate fund-raising bundlers.
G.E. owns NBC and MSNBC.
And which cable news station has been the biggest Obama cheerleader?
It’s easy to connect the dots."
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Stormy Seas Country Wide
Jim Johnson's resignation came a day after Obama defended Johnson and dismissed the Republican criticism of him.
'I am not vetting my V.P. search committee for their mortgages,' Obama said Tuesday.
He accepted Johnson's resignation on Wednesday, leaving the search at least temporarily in the hands of two other prominent Democratic attorneys who also had been scouting candidates — former Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder and Caroline Kennedy..."
Gnashing of DNC
"...And then they opened the call to questions.
This is when things got as intense as I have heard on almost any phone call I have participated on in my life, professional or personal.
Many commented that Senator Obama had not said a word to stop the abusive treatment she received during this campaign season. Much bigger fish than I who were on the call explained that neither they nor their "networks" would contribute a dime to the D.N.C. any time soon and nobody I heard was stepping up to raise money for Senator Obama. Speaker after speaker made it crystal clear that they and their contacts simply will not accept the current state of affairs regarding the D.N.C. and Senator Obama's treatment of Senator Clinton.
As always, Terry and Jonathan really listened. Terry McAuliffe himself said that he has never seen a major candidate treated so disgracefully - "like dirt" - by the media, and he is well aware that Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi, and Senator Obama did not raise a finger to object.
Terry encouraged those of us still willing to work to put a Democrat in the White House to work "with and through" Senator Clinton, to stick with her. He and Jonathan put no pressure on people not to work with PACs or even with McCain, but they made it clear that if one's priority is to empower Senator Clinton than anything one does for the general election should be done via events she will sponsor..."
Dear Puma PAC
1,000 Reasons Puma Democrats Are Protesting the 2008 Presidential Election — puma pac
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Let The Hedging Begin
June 10 (Bloomberg) -- Barack Obama, seeking today to dispel John McCain's claim that his proposals would burden all types of taxpayers, said his proposed tax increases for wealthier Americans would depend on economic conditions..."
So if you're not gonna tax the rich, then why should I vote for you? Oh, you're going to cut taxes on whom?
Flopping On Drugs

Here Come The Psych Majors
Lying Liars Lying, Part 2
The idea here is to turn the internet into a constant Pro Obama “echo”. This includes going where people who do not support Obama are. It also included driving all Hillary supporters away from presumably “objective” sites until the sites become All Obama All The Time.
The most recent example of Obama-Planned onslaught was seen yesterday, when many established bloggers’ and message board users’ names and their links (including my own) were nearly simultaneously forged in messages on forums and blogs all over the net.
The messages, falsely bearing our names, stated that we have had a “change of heart” and now “support Barack Obama”..."churl
Uh, er. That wasn't me over there singing the praises of "our candidate." There's only one real "churl" and he's right here. And right now I'm voting for Mickey Mouse.
Monday, June 09, 2008
Sgt. Patty Speaks
The Battle May be Over...but the War Has just Begun!
(The YouTube comments on this video were especially nasty)
Lying Liars Lying
Not getting hassled, not gettinghustled
Posted on June 9, 2008 by hlr
(Opinions are my own)
Have you heard? It’s a new day in the Democratic Party. Here’s some people power for you:
the Democratic National Committee will uphold the same standard — we will not take a dime from Washington lobbyists,” said Obama.
“We are going to change how Washington works. They will not run our party. They will not run our White House. They will not drown out the views of the American people.”
Less than 24 hours later, the NYT cheekily disabuses us of this fairy tale with a report on fundraising for the convention:
Brochures being sent to potential corporate donors by the Denver host committee say that “as a sponsor” of the convention, corporate executives will have access to as many as 232 members of Congress, 51 senators and 28 governors in what is being marketed as a “once in a lifetime” opportunity. In addition, the more a company gives — with donations of as much as $1 million being sought — the more “V.I.P. access and other benefits” are offered, according to the brochures.
I hope you enjoyed that brief moment contemplating a federal government free of influence-peddling. Was it good for you?...
If it quacks like a duck...
Fix The Blame Now
Never mind that while Hillary was still in the race polls consistently showed Obama neck-to-neck with McCain in key swing states while Hillary was whipping McCain's butt.
The sting is set-up because if The Golden Child loses it couldn't possibly be his fault; it's gotta be Hillary's; or Bill Clinton's; or Chelsea; or Hillary's racist supporters..."
Jew Bashing?
"...We do not know if this a genuine post by a real Obama supporter or a dirty trick by some person or group who wanted to trade on the already established fact that Barack Obama has ties to the likes of Farrakhan, Barrow, Wright and other anti-Semites. If this was a legitimate post it raises the question: Why do anti-Semites find Obama attractive? And why did the Obama campaign allow this rabidly anti-Semitic information on its official website? Demonizing, exterminating and conquering Jews is not a message of change that wil resonate with most Americans come the fall..."
Beware of rfing. Only you can decide for yourself.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
New Bomber?
The Northrop Grumman corporation is understood to be building the demonstration prototype for a classified U.S. Air Force plan to field the first squadron of almost undetectable strike aircraft within a decade..."
But how many miles to the gallon does it get?
Ending The Sham
"According to Democratic Senator Bill Nelson of Florida, the time has come.
Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) introduced a constitutional amendment to abolish the Electoral College on Friday, less than a week after the Democrats settled on how to handle delegates from Florida at their national convention.
“It’s time for Congress to really give Americans the power of one-person, one-vote, instead of the political machinery selecting candidates and electing our president,” Nelson said in a release announcing the amendment.
Nelson had announced he would offer the legislation in an address to his state’s senate in March.
Seeing this proposal (not the first, by the way) come out of the state of Florida is no surprise. With the Sunshine State being the scene of the 2000 electoral debacle and, more recently, the botched Democratic primary race, feelings have long been running high about the relative merits of the “one person, one vote” concept vs. our antiquated electoral college system. But is it even possible?..."
Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) introduced a constitutional amendment to abolish the Electoral College on Friday, less than a week after the Democrats settled on how to handle delegates from Florida at their national convention.
“It’s time for Congress to really give Americans the power of one-person, one-vote, instead of the political machinery selecting candidates and electing our president,” Nelson said in a release announcing the amendment.
Nelson had announced he would offer the legislation in an address to his state’s senate in March.
Seeing this proposal (not the first, by the way) come out of the state of Florida is no surprise. With the Sunshine State being the scene of the 2000 electoral debacle and, more recently, the botched Democratic primary race, feelings have long been running high about the relative merits of the “one person, one vote” concept vs. our antiquated electoral college system. But is it even possible?
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Grammar Trolling
"There is one common grammatically incorrect mistake that drives me crazy! It is not the mixing up of “who” and “whom”. It is not the use of the word “irregardless”. It is not even the saying of “ain’t”. It’s the “less/fewer” blunder that makes me want to scream.
“Fewer” is used to describe things you can count (like chickens). “Less” is used to describe intangible things you can’t count (like time). The problem is that lots of people use the word “less” for both kinds of things.
There are at least three commercials (one is for a bladder medicine) that loudly and clearly and incorrectly use the word “less”. “You’ll have “less” bathroom problems with Urine-trouble”. Don’t they have copy editors, or do they just think “fewer” will sound awkward to most people so the heck with what is correct?
I once went to a teachers’ inservice where some guy came up from Boston and gave a talk about discipline. For two hours he said things like “less students respond to this kind of situation “ and “if we do this, less teachers will be needed to observe the students”. He must have used the word “less” in the wrong way a hundred times. I wanted to stand up and yell,”If you would make FEWER grammatical mistakes, your lecture would be LESS painful to hear...”
My number grammar gremlin is also the "less/fewer" error, and it pains me to no end to see it exposed at every express lane in America (I suppose). I even complained eye-to-eye, once upon a time, with the multimillionaire owner of a major Southeastern grocery chain. His response: rapid blinking. So, I presume we're doomed to forever see as we pay for our Beanie Weenies: "Ten items or less."
Words of Wisdom About Veepdom
She doesn’t want him, and he doesn’t want her, so stop your damn manipulation.
We are not stupid, we will not vote for Obama, got it??
Most won’t vote for him even if he begged Hillary publicly to be on the ticket, so I suggest you try a new tactic, like counting the ******* votes.
This has moved way beyond Hillary and what you think she can “make” us do. John Conyers thinks all she has to do is tell us to support Obama, well John, you and many of your friends have entered altered reality.
Nothing Hillary tells us to do or begs us for will matter. We love her, we admire her, we know she’s the best person for the presidency, but this is not about Hillary, got it..."
Friday, June 06, 2008
On Being Shunned
...First, this is Krugman from today:
UglinessA long and brutal game of "gotcha" at every turn, making every interview into a field strewn with landmines, pretending it is more important to catch a candidate in a verbal slip than to ask about their plans for governing. Most of all, the way in which an arrogant and right-leaning media decided that it would frame the way in which our candidates were presented. This interview was not just trying to trick Hillary into saying something that could be construed as her doubt about Obama's faith, it was also at the same time making his faith (which by definition cannot be known by anyone but the person) into a topic of discussion in the campaign. Go and read some of the comments to this blog post by Krugman. Think about the article by Stanley Fish on Hillary Hatred. Consider the ways in which misogyny is so casually mixed in with political hatred, and the level of fury that spills out across the page. Take seriously the effectiveness of the right to exploit deep fears and prejudices and their shameless zeal to call out the worst in everyone they touch..."
Read the first paragraph of this, then read this, and you’ll have the essence of what happened in the Democratic primary campaign
O's Gonna Whoop Congress
Quoted from
Crooks and Liars » Obama Warns Congress “Better Not Mess With Me” “I’ll Whoop ‘em”
During the Question and Answer session, Obama met a 95-year-old African American man, whose daughter told Obama that he had waited his whole life for this moment.
The man wobbled slowly to the stage and presented Obama with a maple wood walking stick as a gift.
The presumptive democratic nominee, clearly feeling his oats, took the stick and said, “If members of Congress don’t pass my health care bill - I’ll whoop ‘em, I’ll whoop ‘em. That’s right, you better not mess with me, and I’ll have that stick.”
C&L has the video.
The Puma Party
How Bad Off Are We?
Climate Opportunity Eroding
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Granting Wishes
Brass Baked
Quoted from;_ylt=Ao4wBxpbhPFVSV99Zjzx4yes0NUE:
Gates ousts Air Force leaders in historic shake-up - Yahoo! News
WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Robert Gates ousted the Air Force's top military and civilian leaders Thursday, holding them to account in a historic Pentagon shake-up after embarrassing nuclear mix-ups.
Gates announced at a news conference that he had accepted the resignations of Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Michael Moseley and Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne — a highly unusual double firing...
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
McBush McSpeaks On Serving
Quoted from
What John McCain Said : NO QUARTER
Andy sent this to me. I don’t have a link, but agree that it sums up what a lot of us think about Obama:
“I don’t seek the presidency on the presumption I’m blessed with such personal greatness that history has anointed me to save my country in its hour of need,” [John McCain] said. “I seek the office with the humility of a man who cannot forget my country saved me.”
Marsh Profiled
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Ending? Beginning?
Simply Left Behind: The Non-Rapturist's Guide To The Galaxy: "...The Senate seats won, in particular, were won for the most part by running a close-to-pro-life ticket in states like Montana and Colorado. Hillary Clinton seemed a natural progression to nudge the country slightly to the left in her first term, then more in her re-election campaign.
Clearly, that was not going to sit well with the minority of Democrats who a) hate all things Clinton, and b) can't bear the thought of evolution. For these folks, a jackhammer is sufficient when a scalpel is needed.
There's the overwhelming need, I suppose, to try to establish some power base of about a twenty percent of the country, but at what cost to the nation as a whole? Is this any different than Ralph Nader throwing the 2000 election to George Bush? What is this basically suicidal need to run anyone who is bright and shiny and new, when governing demands someone who knows the ins and outs of governance?
No one is more adamant about the need for change in politics and governance in the country than I am, but I also remember the last time we tried replacing a tired, corrupt administration with a 'fresh face' who spoke well, and held a lot of promise, and was even one of the most intelligent men to ever sit in the White House..."
Neither Party Wants My Vote
UPDATE: Vice President Dick Cheney has apologized through his spokeswoman for making an offhand joke during a speech at the National Press Club Monday stereotyping West Virginia as a state prone to incest..."
Monday, June 02, 2008
On The NonExistent Tape
But at the same time the Obama campaign has disseminated either a doctored or concocted transcript of the supposedly nonexistent videotape. Major Obama donors went to the campaign demanding explanations after the posting of my story on No Quarter about the contents of the videotape confirmed to me by several reliable sources, all Republicans with access to knowledge but who do not know each other.
So the campaign created a would-be transcript of the video it says doesn’t exist. In the Obama campaign produced transcript Michelle says “why’d he” instead of “whitey.” Very clever. Then the campaign sent this transcript to key Obamaton bloggers to circulate. And the campaign sent it to the donors to prevent them from having a nervous breakdown..."
"Just how much of a joke was the DNC's Rules and Bylaws Committee meeting Saturday? One need look no further than this quote from Donna Brazile, which may well go down in infamy:
"My mama taught me... (dramatic pause)... to play by the rules and respect those rules. And my mother also taught me, and I'm sure your mother taught you... that when you decide change the rules... middle of the game, end of the game, that is referred to as cheatin'."
The rules, Donna?
Let's not forget that she already changed the rules in the middle of the game to strip Michigan of all its delegates (which was not called for), then on Saturday changed the rules at the end of the game to benefit the candidate of her choice (this time making up some crazy new rules to make it work).
First, I hope Donna realizes that by restoring any Michigan delegates at all, she violated her own definition of "cheatin'", though apparently when Clinton supporters appeal the rules it deserves righteous indignation and an invocation of her mother's wisdom. But the 69/59 Michigan delegate proposal that she voted for actually went beyond her definition of "cheatin'". In fact, I don't know what the word for it is...other than "unfathomable".
Here, the rule book was simply tossed out, some new rules were quickly scribbled down, and a dangerous precedent was set. The statement from Harold Ickes and Tina Flournoy said it best:
We strongly object to the Committee’s decision to undercut its own rules in seating Michigan’s delegates without reflecting the votes of the people of Michigan. The Committee awarded to Senator Obama not only the delegates won by Uncommitted, but four of the delegates won by Senator Clinton. This decision violates the bedrock principles of our democracy and our Party.
When you change the rules...what's that called, again, Donna?..."
Sunday, June 01, 2008
CNN Calls PR For HRC
Two of the key reasons are her strong performance among those voters who favor statehood for Puerto Rico and her husband's popularity on the island.
According to CNN's exit polls, 60 percent of Puerto Ricans who participated in the primary favor statehood, and Clinton won 82 percent of those voters. Neither Clinton or Barack Obama have directly said they favor statehood for the island, but Clinton said earlier this week she thinks Puerto Ricans should be able to vote in the general election..."
Unloved, Once Again
The Confluence: "...Isn’t it delightful? I am actually quite encouraged by this. We have something they are positively desperate to get- OUR VOTES. They thought we would just blissfully acquiesce like we have every four years. We would just hand them over with a whip and say, “I clearly deserve to be beaten for withholding my initial support. Please accept my apologies. Leave marks this time so I never forget.”
Not this time. For the record, our opposition has nothing to do with race on our side. Race is the obsession of the DNC and the Obama supporters. No, this has everything to do with the party power players taking direction from a small core while offending the people they need to actually win: women, elderly, working class, hispanics, gays. What does Meteor Blades think we’ve been doing for the past eight years? Basking in our privileged status under oppressive Republican rule? Does he think we aren’t aware of the mess the GOP has made of the country?
We are all too aware. That is why we DON’T wantPublish Post Obama. And Meteor Blades offensive little attacks on us are not going to get us to hand over our votes for him Get it through your head, MB, we are NOT voting for him unless he is Hillary’s VP. If that makes you mad, tough $%#^. If you are so desperate for a Democrat in the White House, you still have a choice. We are not culpable for your choices and we are under no obligation to indulge your irresponsible fantasy. We will not reward bad behavior and poor decision making.
Our votes are not the property of the DNC or Meteor Blades. They are OURS. We give them to whomever we want. So, if you want our votes for a Democrat, I suggest you drop the “bite me” crap and start Kissing Our Asses."