Monday, December 08, 2008

Furnishing Proof

Obama’s birth certificate controversy reaches Supreme Court | TopNews United States: "The controversy about the Hawaiian birth certificate of the President-elect Barack Obama - which raises questions about Obama's eligibility to take office next month - has reached the Supreme Court, which is likely to announce Monday whether it will consider the matter.

Even after the state of Hawaii vouched for the authenticity of Obama's birth certificate, the unusual fight is thriving outside the so-called mainstream media, in an environment increasingly influenced by the Internet..."

Someone commented the other day that it apparently requires more proof to get a driver's license than to become President, an interesting if somewhat controversial observation. Might gripe is-- what's the problem? McCain ponied up a real birth certificate. Let O appear with his and say this is mine. Don't send a flunky.


Logistics Monster said...

Mad - he can't pony up anything, BC, College Transcripts, Selective Service Registration, yada, yada, yada - because on all of it what is showing is that he is a indonesian citizen that never renounced and became a naturalized American citizen. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it!

Bob Harrison said...

I am of the smoke/fire persuasion on this and related issues. Show us what you've got or we'll forever be suspicious. btw, I've referred several people to your site who were "exercised" over my criticism. (They are fitting me for a tinfoil hat.) You have certainly done your homework on the issue.