Sunday, January 31, 2010
Powerless In Appalachia
We have been without power since 4:56 Friday afternoon. The storm dumped a foot of snow on us between 2:00 pm, when the first flakes fell, and midnight. At shortly after midnight I did my last check and there was 14 inches on top of a deck rail. After midnight, the snow turned to ice/freezing rain so by morning we had about 8 inches of snow and two inches of ice.
Trees cracked, popped, and exploded all night under the weight of the snow, but still it was nowhere nearly as bad as the Great Blizzard of '93. (Right, Crusty?) I've spent the last hour or so on the tractor scrapping the driveway, though I know we'll still have a glaze of impassable black ice in the morning. The Domestic Supervisor is out walking the fence line. We have a monumental clean-up job ahead, and, oh yeah, the basement is flooded.
But to borrow from the last scene of Full Metal Jacket-- we are still alive.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Warmer Slower Because...
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Offering The Dove's Wing
"I'm Not Bush!"
Well, there were a bunch of us who saw that Obama was exactly Bush III, not JFK II, so the above ain't exactly news but the post does contain a nifty quote comparison matrix.
UnActivist Court Activates
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Some Bad Things About The, Er, iPad
Keep NASA Funding!
Leadership From Upper Left Coast
Voters in today's election approved Measure 66 and Measure 67.
Measure 66 raises the tax on household incomes at and above $250,000, and $125,000 for individual filers..."
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Bugger Bust
Filmmaker Behind ACORN Stings Arrested For Attempted Bugging Of Landrieu's Office | TPMMuckraker
Comment Of The Day
Obama thinks of himself as a can of Febreeze. Spray him around long enough and people will be convinced he brought sunshine and freshness into the room just by his presence.
I mean, how much 'real work' would you bother to do if you had been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize within the first week of office? How much effort would you put into the job at hand if before you even finished everybody told you how great it was?
I see him much like the character played by Robert Morse 'How to Succeed in Business Without Even Trying', staring into the mirror and singing 'I believe in you!
posted by

Fox Bush Whining Game
Really? It's not wearing thin with me. And it surely didn't wear thin with the GOPers during the Raygun Reign when every problem was blamed on Jimmy Carter-- constantly. Little Skippy The Wonder Shrub and his caustic enablers had no problem blaming Bill Clinton for everything-- including 9/11. Well, everything but that huge budget surplus Skippy pissed away on wars and tax breaks for billionaires. Of course, Obama doesn't mind blaming Clinton either. Quit whining, GOP; it makes you look like Conan O'Brien.
No Face Hiding In France
The ban on the 'voile integrale' -- which literally means 'total veil' -- would apply in public places like hospitals and schools, and on public transport, a French parliamentary commission announced..."
Monday, January 25, 2010
Comment Of The Day
No doubt, Ani - I think there is a LOT of jealousy when it comes to Palin. How else to explain liberals bashing someone who signed a law giving GLB state employees the same rights as their heterosexual counterparts? Or a woman who supports the Morning After Pill and birth control? Who know what it means to raise a special needs child, or to have a daughter get pregnant too young? How can this NOT resonate with a large number of people in this country?
One of the other smears the Dems did was to claim she had no college education (they did the same to McCain, apparently not realizing just what the Naval Academy is - shocking). There is evidence of it above in the Community college comment, though it was a positive one. Nothing against community colleges one bit, but Palin does have a BA..."
WSJ Says Leno Is Hitler
Common Sense Finally Prevails In Downloading Case
Gates Sees No Quick Fix For Economy
The Blame Game
Who says there's no difference between the parties? Dems are much better at playing the scapegoat."
Sunday, January 24, 2010
The Poor Goose And The Rich Gander
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Unions The Blame For All Of CA's Troubles
Approximately 85% of the state's 235,000 employees (not including higher education employees) are unionized. As the governor noted during his $83 billion budget roll-out, over the past decade pension costs for public employees increased 2,000%. State revenues increased only 24% over the same period. A Schwarzenegger adviser wrote in the San Jose Mercury News in the past few days that, 'This year alone, $3 billion was diverted to pension costs from other programs.' There are now more than 15,000 government retirees statewide who receive pensions that exceed $100,000 a year, according to the California Foundation for Fiscal Responsibility.
Many of these retirees are former police officers, firefighters, and prison guards who can retire at age 50 with a pension that equals 90% of their final year's pay. The pensions for these (and all other retirees) increase each year with inflation and are guaranteed by taxpayers forever—regardless of what happens in the economy or whether the state's pensions funds have been fully funded (which they haven't been)..."
Ah, yes, how the power-brokers long for those halcyon days of no-bank bailouts, no corporate welfare, well, er,uh, not so much. Revised sentence: "Ah, yes, how the power-brokers long those halycon days of slavery." Gee, I wonder why the California public employees don't just do the right thing and work for nothing? Then they'd be just like all the public employees in the South and other non-union duchies-- subject to political whim and denied a fair wage while they watch the various societal parasites rake in billions of unearned wealth.
The GOP And The Tiger
But it may not be easy, as one Republican in Colorado learned the hard way..."
O Supreme Complaint
"U.S. President Barack Obama used his weekly radio address on Saturday to assail a Supreme Court ruling this week clearing the way for corporations to spend freely on political advertisements, calling it a big victory for special interests and "devastating to the public interest." He added that his administration is working with Congress to develop a bipartisan legislative solution to override the ruling..."
Friday, January 22, 2010
SOS Flogs China And We Like It
That’s it. The whole shebang. We didn’t think she was perfect or transformative or a magical change agent. We figured that she’d piss us off occasionally. But in general, there’s a bedrock foundation of belief and commitment to her values and we can pretty much predict what side she’s going to come down on an issue.
That’s why the speech she gave yesterday at the Newseum in Washington came as no surprise to me..."
Another Reason To Move To California
China Rumbles
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Conan Baby Snit Fit
Maybe the baggy pants crowd finds this behavior funny, I certainly don't. If you just want to screw NBC, couldn't you "waste" their money by sending it to Haiti?
Blaming Obama
Somebody Gets It
There's the real source of the country's anger."
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
The Daily Uh-Oh
"A mysterious visitor who each year leaves roses and cognac at the grave of Edgar Allan Poe on the writer's birthday failed to show early Tuesday, breaking with a ritual that began more than 60 years ago...."
The End Of A War
"After 40 years of defeat and failure, America's "war on drugs" is being buried in the same fashion as it was born – amid bloodshed, confusion, corruption and scandal. US agents are being pulled from South America; Washington is putting its narcotics policy under review, and a newly confident region is no longer prepared to swallow its fatal Prohibition error. Indeed, after the expenditure of billions of dollars and the violent deaths of tens of thousands of people, a suitable epitaph for America's longest "war" may well be the plan, in Bolivia, for every family to be given the right to grow coca in its own backyard..."
The No Party Returns
"Republican lawmakers on Wednesday blasted Democratic plans to set up a bipartisan debt-reduction commission, underlining the political challenges that face any effort to get the U.S. budget under control.
Riding high after unexpectedly picking up a U.S. Senate seat in Massachusetts on Tuesday, key Republicans said they would not support a White House task force that would consider tax hikes, spending cuts and other unpopular measures to bring down budget deficits to a manageable level.
"It's a nothing-burger," said Republican Senator Judd Gregg, even though he has proposed a similar measure..."
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Don't Overcook The Crow
"...It took more than half a decade, countless American and Iraqi deaths in a war based on lies, a sinking economy and the drowning of an American city to finally kill Bush-Cheney-Rove's dream of a conservative realignment.
Democrats, controlling the White House and both houses of Congress, have managed to kill their own dream of dominance in 12 months.
How did it happen?..."
I hope the GOP doesn't start thinking that all those liberal Democrats voted for them and against health care reform.
Irony Thy Name Is Gunsight
The markings include "2COR4:6" and "JN8:12", relating to verses in the books of Corinthians II and John..."
More Climate Blunders
Two years ago the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued a benchmark report that was claimed to incorporate the latest and most detailed research into the impact of global warming. A central claim was the world's glaciers were melting so fast that those in the Himalayas could vanish by 2035..."
Why Their Heads Are Pointy
"...These types of occupational reputations affect people’s career aspirations,” he added in a telephone interview from his office at the University of British Columbia. Mr. Fosse, his co-author, is a Ph.D. candidate at Harvard.
The academic profession “has acquired such a strong reputation for liberalism and secularism that over the last 35 years few politically or religiously conservative students, but many liberal and secular ones, have formed the aspiration to become professors,” they write in the paper, “Why Are Professors Liberal?” That is especially true of their own field, sociology, which has become associated with “the study of race, class and gender inequality — a set of concerns especially important to liberals..."
More Bush Era Crimes
Monday, January 18, 2010
Piling On Leno
Google Praised
It’s time someone in the U.S. stopped coddling the Chinese police state. The American government can’t, or won’t.
Though Google is late coming around as an advocate of free speech in China, it still deserves applause. The company said last week it would stop censoring its Chinese search engine,, as the communist government dictates -- and might even close the business..."
Someone Has A Devilish Compact
"The Minneapolis Star-Tribune published a letter from Satan to evangelist Pat Robertson, responding to his comment that Haiti's persistent troubles, including the earthquake, are due to a pact the nation made with Mephistopheles..."
No Bee-Keeper Suits In France?
Plastic Bottle Killer Concerns
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Inexcusable Hospital Behavior
On the sixth day, her husband needed to be transferred to another hospital -- without his complete medical records.
'When Fred arrived at the second hospital, they couldn't give him any pain medication because they didn't know what drugs he already had in his system, and they didn't want to overdose him,' says Holliday, who lives in Washington. 'For six hours he was in pain, panicking, while I ran back to the first hospital and got the rest of the records.'
Despite a federal law requiring hospitals and doctors to release medical records to patients who ask for them, patients are reporting they have a hard time accessing them leading to complications like the ones the Holliday family experienced..."
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Coakley Finds Chink In Brown's Armor
“We already knew that Scott Brown didn’t want to make health insurance more affordable for Massachusetts families and businesses. Now we learn that he won’t even make health insurance available for his own staff. If he won’t stand up for the people he employs, how could we ever trust him to stand up for us?' Coakley said in a statement..."
Friday, January 15, 2010
Boostin' Bill
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Later Doomsday
The clock, which is maintained by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, was designed to reflect how close civilization is to 'catastrophic destruction.' First set at seven minutes to midnight, the clock has been moved only 18 times since its creation in 1947..."
Haiti Gets Aid Faster Than New Orleans
Rudy Gets Fruity
Actually, even that statement is of dubious accuracy — unless one discounts post-9/11, Bush-in-the-White-House moments like the anthrax attacks, the airplane shoe bomber, the lethal assault on an El Al ticket counter in Los Angeles and, for that matter, the D.C. sniper shootings that killed 10 people and terrorized Washington and its environs..."
The Daily Uh-Oh
Hundreds of Amish families in the region are likely to be free from that requirement..."
O Warned By GOPer - GOP Candidate Warns Obama to 'Stay Away' From Massachusetts Senate Race: "...Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown issued a stern warning to President Obama, cautioning him to 'stay away' from Massachusetts as he battles Democratic rival Martha Coakley in a heated race, the Boston Herald reported.
'He should stay away and let Martha and I discuss the issues one on one,' Brown told the Herald. 'The machine is coming out of the woodwork to get her elected. They're bringing in outsiders, and we don't need them...'"
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Wall Street Befuddled By Anger
Unemployment is at 10 percent and Americans are suffering because of the meltdown he and his colleagues helped create. But Blankfein's firm, generously bailed out by taxpayers, has already returned to its ways of greed.
Next week, Goldman, the most powerful firm on Wall Street, will report its bonuses for 2009, and through the first nine months of the year it had set aside nearly $17 billion for compensation -- roughly on par with 2007, when Blankfein was paid a record $68 million as his firm led the country off an economic cliff..."
Will China Lose Its Competitive Edge?
Happy Daze
It didn't matter that his bill was dead on non-arrival. A separate Assembly health committee won't take up the bill this week, meaning it will miss a legislative deadline for reaching the Assembly floor..."
Palin Shrinks
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Praise For Sen.Clinton
Character is rarely revealed in its sharpest contrast after a glorious victory. Instead, you find out what a person is made of after they sustain a soul crushing defeat. In her long, tortured march toward Denver, Hillary Clinton showed more character, more resilience, and more true grit than any presidential candidate I can recall.
And in that losing cause, Secretary Clinton served as a great example of character not only for my young daughter, but for us all. It is that type of strength that we need in our leaders now more than ever.
Thank you Peter and Joe for being unafraid to stand up to the slick, slimy Villagers and their ugly, envious, bile-ridden media courtiers. I salute you both!"
Sunday, January 10, 2010
The Biggest Threat To America
Flogging Dead Eye Dick
The pro-violence approach espoused by Cheney is not only cited, by both captured terrorists and the intelligence community, as a primary motivator for terrorist recruiting, it also belies a near total inability to think clearly on matters of national security. Whereas Cheney would have us believe he is serious because he is obsessed with carrying out violent acts and dehumanizing those suspected of involvement in terrorist plots, that obsession shows he is not serious about crafting the smartest solution to the problem. He is serious only about developing elaborate vehicles for sadistic behavior, using national security as an excuse..."
Reid Should Go, Says The Party Of Bush
Saturday, January 09, 2010
Relax And Live Longer
International Silly Stuff
Chavez said the plane was met by his military's F-16s and escorted out of Venezuelan airspace..."
HC Pot 'n Kettle
Friday, January 08, 2010
Fixing US
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
From The "No Kidding" Department
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
Assessing Intel Errors In Afghanistan
Don’t kid yourself that things were better under Bush and Cheney. Those two, but especially Cheney, spent a lot of time browbeating CIA officers for not kow towing to the White House vision of reality. When CIA initially reported there was no basis to the claim that Iraq bought yellowcake uranium and was crafting a bomb the White House insisted the CIA was wrong and told them to keep looking. When Gary Berntsen asked urgently for reinforcements to corner Osama Bin Laden he was denied because the Bush White House was too busy prepping to go to war in Iraq. When the CIA Chief of Station in Iraq warned of an emerging insurgency he was fired after pressure from Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld who insisted we were only facing a few dead enders. ..."
Are Holograms Next?
Reagan Blinders Holding Tight
Monday, January 04, 2010
Polling Bias
"...The first thing to note is that there are a lot of different ways in which a polling firm might be biased. Rasmussen is most frequently accused of bias because their results are thought to lean toward Republican candidates

Sunday, January 03, 2010
Cheney Gets Flogged
'And in either case it doesn't speak well of what the vice president is doing. The clear evidence is that this president has been very, very strong. In his inaugural address he said we're at war with this international network of terrorists. We continue to say that we're at war with al-Qaida...'"
I will defend Obama here, but don't misread that into believing I support him. Deadeye Darth Dick The Man Who Murders Birds And Shoots Lawyers In The Face is completely irrelevant in the rational world. Most of the blame for the current situation is the fault of Dick and Skippy who completely ignored the warnings from the Clinton Administration since they were more concerned with enriching the rich, not that Obama is not in favor of enriching the rich. We heard virtually no complaints back in the day of Reed the Shoe Bomber so Dick why don't you just bugger off somewhere?
Crotch Bombing Blame Game
Nothing should be excluded from consideration, from the failures of U.S. officials to respond to evidence to the flaws in the system that Obama inherited. We need a comprehensive understanding of what happened so we can improve the system and make sure that innocent travelers are kept safe from the ravages of terrorism."
Saturday, January 02, 2010
Party Switching
Party-switchers have fared better in the Senate, though Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, who defected to the Democrats after his vote for the economic stimulus bill proved unpopular back home, is facing re-election challenges from both the right and the left..."
Clinton-Obama Flashback
Obama, on the other hand, was all about Obama. He never was specific about issues, he never demonstrated any commitment to Democratic ideology. He admired Ronald Reagan, for heaven’s sake! He cozied up to fundamentalist preachers their anti-abortion, homophobic followers. Most damning of all, it became obvious from his many comments about and to Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin that Obama was a misogynist through and through..."
Friday, January 01, 2010
Russia Will Save Us
Now That The Barn Has Burned Down
Good Guys Becoming Suicidal
Other Moore Controversey
As reports said Moore was on his way back to Britain from Iraq, Petraeus told a press conference in Baghdad: 'I am on the record as having said that our intelligence assessment is that he certainly spent part of the time, at the very least, in Iran...'"