Sunday, January 03, 2010

Cheney Gets Flogged

Obama adviser says Cheney is wrong in criticism - "'...I'm very disappointed in the vice president's comments,' Brennan said, described himself as neither a Democrat or Republican. 'Either the vice president is willfully mischaracterizing this president's position both in terms of the language he uses and the actions he's taken, he's ignorant of the facts.

'And in either case it doesn't speak well of what the vice president is doing. The clear evidence is that this president has been very, very strong. In his inaugural address he said we're at war with this international network of terrorists. We continue to say that we're at war with al-Qaida...'"

I will defend Obama here, but don't misread that into believing I support him. Deadeye Darth Dick The Man Who Murders Birds And Shoots Lawyers In The Face is completely irrelevant in the rational world. Most of the blame for the current situation is the fault of Dick and Skippy who completely ignored the warnings from the Clinton Administration since they were more concerned with enriching the rich, not that Obama is not in favor of enriching the rich. We heard virtually no complaints back in the day of Reed the Shoe Bomber so Dick why don't you just bugger off somewhere?

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