Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Comment Of The Day

Flim Flam strikes again: More Obama BS on SS (Open Thread) « The Confluence:

"Dario, on September 6, 2010 at 6:27 pm Said:

Yes. The money collected from SS goes into U.S. Treasuries, and helps the government decrease it’s borrowing from institutions and other countries. Those who claim that “the money is gone”, don’t say that the money borrowed from other countries and institutions is also GONE. The baby boom generation provided the government trillions of dollars, but now that the boomers are tapping the system with claims, the government is calling it a catastrophe and wants to default. I can’t understand the mentality of congress and Obama. It seems to me that a higher tax, which is really savings, would help the government stabilize it’s borrowing needs and make its bonds less vulnerable to the bond vigilantes" (sic).

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