Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hell Freezes Over In Cuba

Cuba Layoffs: What Will 500,000 Unemployed People Do? - TIME:
"As a layoff notice, it was more blunt than what even corporate America puts out these days. But it's hard to sugarcoat letting half a million workers go — which is what Cuba's communist government, via its official labor union, announced on Monday. 'Our state cannot and should not continue maintaining enterprises with inflated payrolls, losses that pull down our economy and make us counterproductive, generate bad habits and distort worker behavior,' said a statement by the Cuban Workers' Central (CTC), making it known that some 500,000 government jobs will be eliminated by next spring. It also suggested something fairly anathema to socialism's collectivist dogma: how the unemployed find their way after the mass dismissal 'depends in large part on the private management and initiative of the individual...'"

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