Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Elections--Pox Or Plague?

A cure among us « The Confluence:

"...There is a stunning amount of stupidity on display right now, but it is not that of ordinary Americans. It is the massive stupidity of so-called “Democratic strategists” and movement progressives who thought that turning their backs on defending working people, women, lgbt, minorities, the environment, a genuine public component in healthcare reform, social security, civil liberties, stem cell research, and so on, would somehow carry them through a period of persistent unemployment and war that most Americans do not want to be in.

For myself, trying to choose between the Pelosis/Obamas and the Angles/Millers is like trying to choose between malaria or smallpox. A plague on both their houses, literally. Voting to continue Washington’s bipartisan desertion of the American people is not the antidote. It is the disease that ensures the corporate hold on our country..."

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