Thursday, December 15, 2011

About Newt's Pledge And 2nd Wife

My bold below.

On A Serial Adulterer and Frequent Groom’s Temporary Fidelity Pledge and Other Meddling Things « Uppity Woman

...Just think:  Considering his pattern, The Pillsbury Doughboy could easily be the first President to enter the White House with one wife and leave with another, and he knows America knows it. So…. Newt has signed a pledge that, among other things,  keeps his current wife safe for 4 years, if he becomes President. I would imagine that if he doesn’t become President, all bets will be off. It must be a great time to be Newt’s wife. That is, so long as she doesn’t get sick. Everybody knows about the cancer of his first wife, but not many know he ditched his second wife  8 months after he found out she had MS.  Christian, my ass...

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