Sunday, May 27, 2007

Letter From A Vet

Crooks and Liars » Mike’s Blog Roundup: "Veteran and friend,Michael Graham, wrote me on Memorial Day:

What most liberals have so far failed to understand — because they tend to be people with kind hearts and sensibilities — is that the Republican Party has been commandeered by Nazis. They are not just the opposition party anymore, they are evil. This has been building for years, and I have been alive long enough to have witnessed much of it. There was the John Birch Society, and Watergate, and Iran-Contra and now this..."


the rube said...

calling reps nazis downplays what the terror the real nazis unleashed on the world.

people that toss the word nazi around too freely lose me pretty quick.

Bob Harrison said...

Your point is exactly on; I think perhaps the point Graham was getting at is that the GOPerBusher movement, has the earmarks of Nazism, say, at the time of the Munich Beer Hall. The Bushies obviously haven't embroiled the world in the horror the Nazis did, but suppose there was no one to check their tendencies toward authoritarian rule and their xenophobic militaristic adventures? That's the fear methinks, so this is another one those issues where I can see valid points on both sides.

I'm on the side of the old cliche that you are automatically out of ideas the minute you start comparing someone to Hitler, which is rather like my Mom saying that swearing is a sign of a limited vocabulary.