Thursday, May 17, 2007

Rudy Says Dems Did 9-11

Giuliani says Democrats believe America deserved 9/11 - AMERICAblog: A great nation deserves the truth:
"Oh yes he did. Right after the debate, he said it on FOX News, talking about his angry response to Ron Paul blaming America for 9/11. From Hotline: 'I usually hear this on the Democratic side. Don't usually hear it on the Republican side.'

Really, Rudy? You usually hear Democrats saying 9/11 was our fault? Well, sure, I mean it was Bush's fault - you know, that old memo entitled 'Bin Laden Determined to Strike In US' - but that's not what you meant. You meant on a more visceral basic level that Ron Paul was saying that America deserved what it got on September 11. And you think you 'usually' hear this from Democrats. What Democrats have you heard saying that we deserved September 11? That we're to blame for September 11? The only person I know who said that is your Republican buddy Jerry Falwell, and oh yeah, religious right extremist Fred Phelps (the guy who pickets American soldiers' funerals).

So tell us, Rudy, which Democrats 'usually' blame America for September 11? Or is this yet another lie that you'll flip-flop on by the next debate?"


the rube said...

didn't paul simon write a song about rudy?

flip floppin away, flip floppin away
you know the nearer your destination
The more you're flip floppin away.

Bob Harrison said...

LOL! You've got an internet hit there, Leo. Sing out! Sing out, young man!