Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Comments of the Day

from Taylor Marsh's "Why Liberals Lose" comment thread:

Huffpo and the rest of the elitists seem hell-bent on turning the Democratic Big Tent into a tiny little pup tent. It is a tent where the blue-collar worker is only welcome if he obsequiously fawns over their cultural underpinnings, gives up all identity or culture of his own, and joins them in their derision of all things and persons who are "lowbrow".

I am sick of these Pup Tent Democrats. These Faculty Lounge Democrats. These screaming weenies revulsed by strength, revulsed by the smell of machine oil, revulsed by displays of patriotism, revulsed by some grease under the fingernails or an imperfect diction.

You are 100% right, Taylor - it is THIS sort of dripping condescension that is going to lose Obama the election were he to make it that far.

The Bubbas of this country are going to kick their asses. Yet again. And guess what? MANY OF THOSE "BUBBAS" ARE PROUD LIBERALS. This is what they don't seem to get.



From No Quarter's "Frank Luntz Praises Hillary's Speech & More Punditry":

...There are numerous reasons why the Times is slipping without any hopes of righting itself in terms of advertising revenue and distribution. This editorial is a succinct display of those reasons.


If you decide it is your obligation to play the new Pat Leahy to Mrs. Clinton, do not be surprised when your readers decide to mimic Dick Cheney to your Leahy...


Paul F. Villarreal

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