Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Wal-Mart Fakes Benevolence
Let's see, that idea ought to bankrupt the remaining nine small businesses that have survived the Wal-Mart onslaught.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Soccer Loss
Fat Lady Not Singing In Iran
About 5,000 people shuffled in silence down Tehran's Shariati Street to the Ghoba mosque, where two of the opposition candidates in the June 12 election were to appear to honor a slain hero of the 1979 Islamic revolution. Authorities rode motorcycles alongside the marchers, who tried to walk slowly. Police beat their batons on their shields to keep them moving, but some demonstrators told officers that they had the legal right to protest in peace..."
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Enough Again
Madoff's Just Desserts
Thursday, June 25, 2009
John Kerry, Class Act
"...Oh, and John Kerry said this:
“Too bad if a governor had to go missing it couldn’t have been the governor of Alaska. You know, Sarah Palin...’’"
I was one Kerry's most ardent supporters when he ran for President. I remain disappointed.
Wondering About Al
"...She also wonders what ever happened to Franken in Minnesota. The unresolved senate case was presented before the Minnesota Supreme Court in the first week of June and we’ve been waiting ever since. Franken is the Democrat’s 60th vote. He is the filibuster proofer. OoooooOOOOOooooo! Ben Nelson and Blanche Lincoln might have to act like Democrats since there would be no reason for them to give away the store anymore. Well, we’ll have none of that. It appears that nothing is happening in Minnesota. One *almost* suspects that there’s a deal to get most of the tricky legislation off of the table before the Senate recesses and THEN the Minnesota Supreme Court will say Franken won. The delay is somewhat inexplicable. From what I read previously, there was virtually no way that Coleman could emerge victorious. The ruling imeediately previous to this one pretty much told him to give it up already. So, what gives?..."
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Another Generation Learns The Truth About Apple
Steve Jobs nearly died and lied about it | ZDNet Healthcare | ZDNet.com: "...Paul Argenti of Dartmouth’s business school says Apple deserves to face SEC action for lieing about Jobs’ condition, which is the outgrowth of his 2004 pancreatic cancer.
I hate to be one of those birds pecking at Prometheus, but I agree.
This would not be the first time for Jobs on the SEC’s operating table. He was questioned in a scandal over the backdating of stock options, with Jobs later telling Forbes “nobody loves me...”"
I remember Apples advertising slogan just before they introduced the Mac-- "Apple II Forever." Forever turned out to be just a few months and those of us who had spent small fortunes on Apple IIs were summarily dumped in the trash heap. That's when I bought my first PC and I haven't looked back (well, except for that ipod.)
Double-O Goober Adventures
He carries a passport around? Hmmm. And how as that Argentine smoke?
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
He's No Paul Harvey
The Associated Press: Huckabee endorses Rubio for Fla. Senate seat: "TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee is endorsing Marco Rubio for Florida's U.S. Senate seat.
Rubio is considered an underdog for the 2010 nomination for the seat Republican Sen. Mel Martinez is vacating. Rubio's challenging Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, who has a substantial lead in early polls..."
Monday, June 22, 2009
Old Thinking Still Entrenched
"...Now, you might think that the way things turned out — the total failure of movement conservatism in government, and the abrupt, humiliating end to the Permanent Republican Majority — would lead to some soul-searching. But that’s not how human nature works. Instead, it became more urgent than ever to assert that those who didn’t get with the program were flakes and moonbats, not worthy of being listened to, while those who believed in the right to the bitter end were “serious”. Thus we still live in an era in which you have to have been wrong to be respectable. You’re not considered serious about national security unless you were for invading Iraq; you’re not considered a serious political analyst unless you spent the last 3 years of the Bush administration predicting a Republican comeback; you’re not considered a serious economic analyst unless you dismissed the idea that the Bush Boom, such as it was, rested on a housing bubble..."
And thus the Dark Side continues to make its own bleak reality.
Voting Rights Survives
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Boomer Agonistes
More Secret Societies
About The Victim Of RIAA Greed
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Go Moby, Go!
The Right Hand Of The (Legal) Drug Cartel
Friday, June 19, 2009
Overboard Anti-Pirates
Has it gone too far? In a word, "yes." I've never pirated anything but the companies themselves tempt me through anticonusmer policies and behaviors. I have nearly $300 worth of computer games that purported to work fine on my computer but either won't install or won't run. (And I am not a computer idiot; I've worked with them since 1968.) So I am very tempted to pirate games to find if they will work before I but. I am also highly annoyed all the restrictions placed on music that I have bought-- sometimes multiple times. So yes, this example crap, otherwise known as "sending people messages," has not worked in the past and will not work in the future. If it did, we have no crime and no drug problems because we have been getting tough on all that for decades and it has not worked.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Bleeping Bipartisanship
Announcing The Obama Backbone Award

The first winner of the Barack Obama Backbone award is --drumroll-- gasp-- Barack Obama. The award is pictured above. Obama Faces Pressure to Strike Firmer Tone on Iran - NYTimes.com,
Failure Of Imagination
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Better Plan From The GOP?
Better protection for doctors and insurance companies, for sure.
Enough Already: Letterman Edition
I was one of the first ones in line calling for the flogging of Letterman, but firing him is a bit too much, and would fall into the "two wrongs" category. Imus was fired and that was wrong. Firing Letterman may give some momentary satisfaction to some very put-upon people but that would not change the atmosphere of sexism pervading the media elite. Furthermore, a good many of the people calling for Letterman's firing purport to be Christians, so how about a little forgiveness?
Letterman was wrong. He finally made a sincere (I think) apology. Let's move on.
Monday, June 15, 2009
NYT Gets It Wrong Again
"Hate" is such an ugly word and it is tossed about as casually as "love." I do not really hate anyone, including Obama, but "hate" is an easy substitute for "I disagree with everything he thinks, says, does, and I will never support him, nor anyone who supports him, and I will never forget and and I probably will never forgive his transgressions." Like I said, one word is easier, and I think that's where the politically correct get all confused, since apparently they only really understand hate, be it for the rural poor or cigarette smokers.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Wishing For Death 'n Destruction?
Well, he is Darth Chene. (I wonder has become of the actual Prince of Darkness, Bob Novak?)
O'Faux Equivalence
GOP Supreme Hypocrisy
McConnell and other Republicans have objected to the Democrats' plan to confirm Sotomayor before the August congressional recess, claiming that they need far more time to review her record. The White House and Democratic leaders counter that they are giving the minority the same amount of time as previous high court nominees..."
Little Ice Age Calling?
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Influence For Sale
Comment Of The Day: P. v. L. Edition
margaret carlson writes dumbest article, ever : NO QUARTER: "Comment by Peggy Sue | 2009-06-13 12:09:31
I simply do not understand women like Margaret Carlson, who will fly into a rage over any racial and/or ethnic slur but turn a blind eye, or even worse, make excuses for slurs against women.
They can sing this from the highest rooftop but it doesn’t make it true. Palin is “not” the villian in this fracus. Palin defended her daughter and as an extension defended all our daughters. Todd Palin’s comments are those of a protective father. In most circles, that’s considered honorable.
The Left has lost its moral compass, completely. As I wrote yesterday, there is no such thing as selective sexism. I may disagree with Sarah Palin politically but she is morally right on this issue.
Any man who is willing to make a vile joke about a young girl isn’t worth listening to. Nor are his defenders. The kool-aide has poisoned and disfigured the core of these people.
Shame on them!
Thanks for the update, AGI."
On Mouth Problems
Irony And Theft
The company, Solid Oak Software Inc., said it will try to stop PC makers from shipping computers with the software..."
Friday, June 12, 2009
Snakes On A Plain
Israeli military developing battlefield robot snake | Israel | Jerusalem Post: "A robot snake, capable of recording video and sound on the battlefield, is on the way to join the the IDF's hi-tech arsenal..."
Micro Nukes
B&W says the power will cost less than $5,000 per megawatt. With an average home consuming about 1 kW, the reactor could lead to some seriously cheap power — possibly even cheaper than this mini reactor from Hyperion..."
One-tenth the size. Munch on that a while.
Backwards Taxing
Officials familiar with internal deliberations said the leading option under consideration by Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., the committee chairman, would mean higher taxes for workers whose family coverage costs $15,000 a year or more in premiums paid by employer and employee combined..."
If the goal is to force everyone to have health insurance, wouldn't it make more sense to tax the employees and employers who have no insurance rather than taxing those that do? Taxing the insured seems like an incentive to drop your insurance, not keep it.
So if I"m going to be taxed on benefits, shouldn't I be able to deduct the cost of copays and other medical expenses? If not, then why do this kabuki dance? Just increase the income tax to get the money and be done with it.
Malkin On Letterman
Kucinich Gets Feisty
Broder Intones On Healthcare
Why? This is nuts. I'd rather have a bill that wins by one vote but give me 100% of what I want. The GOP surely never worried about bipartisan anything ("we make our own reality"), so why should the Democrats give a tinker's damn about GOP support? Oh, I forgot, Obama is actually Skippy Bush Re-engineered.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Comment Of The Day
Sarah is no dummy. You don’t get to be governor of a state unless you a.) have a political pedigree or b.) know what you’re doing.
She doesn’t have the former, therefore, she must be smarter than they make her sound. That’s a threat to the political aristocracy.
Sarah’s problem isn’t that she’s pretty. Sarah’s problem is that she’s a commoner. This is class warfare by the Villagers against upstarts who aim above their station.
I might not like Sarah’s politics but I will support her right to be taken seriously as a contender. She’s earning it."
Raise The Threat Level!
Supreme Gay Decision Blow-Back
Dismay Over Obama’s ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Turnabout. Check this out:
When Barack Obama sought the presidency, he pledged to reverse the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy preventing gays and lesbians from serving openly in the U.S. military. Yet on Monday, the Supreme Court rejected a gay Ohio soldier’s challenge to the law — with the legal backing of none other than the Obama Administration.
James Pietrangelo II, the former Army infantryman and lawyer whose case the high court declined to review, reserved most of his ire for President Obama instead of the court. “He’s a coward, a bigot and a pathological liar,” Pietrangelo said in an interview with TIME shortly after the high court declined to hear his appeal. “This is a guy who spent more time picking out his dog, Bo, and playing with him on the White House lawn than he has working for equality for gay people,” he added. “If there were millions of black people as second-class citizens, or millions of Jews or Irish, he would have acted immediately” ...
A Glimmer Of Hope In Iran
A CBS Imus Moment?
Yes, it is oh so funny to crack wise about sexually exploiting a woman.
Finally, if Obama had gone to a baseball game instead of a play, would Letterman have said the same thing about one of his daughters?
Seems,Uh, Wrong
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
re hi
McConnell Right On This
Get the insurance companies out of it and we might have meaningful reform.
Why This Ain't Wright
Surely he has returned to embarrass Obambi again? Nah. Can't be our Rev.Wright-- surely, he's not illiterate. He wouldn't say "them Jews." Would he?
Dump That Stock!
The GOP response to positions like this has always been "They can sell their stock if they don't like what the company is doing." This is the same canard tossed at labor unions when they want a raise or say in management--"Buy stock then you can share in the profits." But have stockholders been getting a fair deal lately? When a company is doing well and they make a 30% return is the CEO entitled to 1000% raise? When the stock declines to 1% of its maximum value and the company is bankrupt is CEO sufficiently punished by a measly 50% bonus? And how does dumping your now worthless stock recover your lost assets? But is the government meddling in this via czars the right method is address an obvious problem? Either WWII tax rules need to be implemented or we need simple legislation saying that a CEO cannot be paid more than, say, 200 times the rate of the lowest paid employee.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
From The No Kidding Department
Monday, June 08, 2009
Supreme Ankle
More Hillary Apology Junk
I expect we’ll see more of this. As Clinton continues her SoS work, it is likely that many pundits who excoriated her earlier will now say something along the lines of “I was right to hate on her earlier, but look how she’s grown into SoS! Way to go girl!!” Or how about “you know, I always knew Hillary wasn’t ready for the presidency, [too tough, too female, too something] but isn’t the lady crackerjack in a lesser job!...”"
To the Obots, if you work for the Oborg, then you must be wonderful, so that the fact that SoS Clinton was highly competent before joining the Collective means nothing. But, sorry Obots, no amount of half-sincere apologies are going to get you off the hook for the awful sexism of you and your candidate.
Black Box Dilemma
Why don't those things have an ejection system, or, at the very least, float?
Kung Fu Kink
Gains By The Middle
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Lest We Forget: Hillary Hate Edition
Cannonfire "--Boo, man: The bots STILL consider HIllary enemy #1."
Good News In Middle East
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Mandatory Profits For Insurance Companies?
Kung Fu Plot Thickens
Friday, June 05, 2009
Not The South
On May 8, Davy opened the door to her home and was greeted by a barrage of spray-painted racial epithets. The hardwood floors, the mirrors, the televisions, the dressers -- the vandals had turned the entire place into a canvas for that six-letter word used for decades to scare and scar African Americans..."
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Comment Of The Day: Lest We Forget Edition
"There is nothing nastier than what happened in Michigan and a lot of Clinton supporters to this day still don't know how bad it was. The bill that passed out of the legislature was written by Republicans, and moved out of the Senate without any Democratic votes. In the house, as many Dems voted for it, and as didn't vote for it. It went to court, got bounced back for cleaning up AND NOT A SINGLE DEMOCRAT VOTED FOR THE FINAL BILL THAT ACTUALLY MOVED THE PRIMARY DATE UP. NOT ONE. Clinton was docked votes for the actions of Jennifer Granholm and Jennifer Granholm only.
Idiot prophylactic - yes, I know Dems voted for the original version. I acknowledge that in my post. Yes, I know Granholm was allegedly a clinton supporter.
Here's Wayne Barrett of the Village Voice on the subject:
posted by Blogger lori : 5:34 PM"
Robbing Peter's Healthcare
Kung Fu Passing
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Not Good MD Fact
Of the 15,000 students who will graduate from medical school this year — and the roughly 8,000 physicians and surgeons who will finish their specialty training — more than 93 percent will become employees of large clinics, managed-care companies or hospital systems..."
Obotic Ctrl-Alt-Del
"You are breaking my heart..."
Mind Reading
The Low Road 2008 « The Confluence: "In terms of political beliefs and ideals last year was the most trumatic of my life. It pales in comparison to 2000 when the will of the people was thwarted and George W. Bush was selected over Al Gore by a 5-4 vote of the Supreme Court. 2008 was divisive, vile and nasty and was a nightmare that seemed like it would never end. Here are what I think rewere the ten worst events of the ugliest presidential primary campaign in modern history:..."
Winning The War
Cheney won the debate by drawing the usual Republican distinction, that between doing what is necessary for national security and being nice. If Republicans are allowed to frame the issue that way, they will always win. But in fact, theirs is a false position. We do not have to choose between doing what works in the 'war on terrorism' and doing what is morally right. The two are the same.
The military theory that allows us to see this is the work of Colonel John Boyd, USAF. Boyd argued that war is fought on three levels: the moral, the mental and the physical. Of the three, the moral level is the most powerful, the physical level is the least powerful and the mental level lies between the other two..."
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Why? Why>
The 11-person panel will plan and carry out activities to mark the 100th anniversary, in 2011, of the late president's birth -- a commemoration that could include a postage stamp, a $1 coin, or a joint session of Congress..."
Talk about a waste of money.
China Censoring
Monday, June 01, 2009
On O'Worship
More On Health Care Debate
"...The current flawed concept of insurance has become convoluted and complex. In fact, those with insurance are charged differently than those without insurance and cash-pay patients, hinting at the fact that the mere existence of health insurance bumps up health care prices.
Should it be allowed under law to treat those who have health insurance differently than those who don’t? Do people with preexisting conditions not deserve to have a chance at quality health care?
If anything, I would hope that preserving life would be of utmost importance to our government and therefore, it would be exempt from the games of money and power. Government-sponsored universal health care should not be a matter of debate; any unbiased person should agree that any legitimate government has an obligation to preserve and protect the lives of its citizens."
Murder Disapproved
Why do I feel a certain lack of sincerity in all these denunciations?