Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Anglachel Explains The Big Dawg

Anglachel's Journal: Popular is as Popular Does:

"...It is this same cultural disdain, made more bitter by the oblivious exercise of economic privilege, that raises hackles over food politics. Diet soda is to be taxed, but not flavored mineral water? Candy bars have a sin tariff, but 'energy bars' are OK? As long as you can pay premium, we won't ask to see the contents of your shopping cart.

It doesn't seem to get through to the power brokers that the party rank and file love Bubba not despite his flaws but because of them. Or maybe it does, and they realize that grass-roots popularity comes from policies and plans that improves grass-roots bank accounts at the expense of those higher up the economic food chain. A popular populist champion may be the last thing they want to see.

In the meantime, some party candidates have figured out that it's in their interests to hang out with the popular guy."

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