Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Good Old Dawg, Er, Days

That’s why he’s the Big Dawg « The Confluence:

"...Clinton’s job approval rating ranged from 36% in mid-1993 to 64% in late 1993 and early 1994. Obama’s started higher than Bill’s but has been dropping ever since. Bill Clinton left office with an approval rating of 68% despite the impeachment and all the GOP attempts to find or create a scandal.

Bill Clinton won Kentucky. Twice. He presided over the largest sustained economic expansion in our history. During his two terms we enjoyed peace and prosperity, and the gap between rich and poor shrunk.

Best of all, the Big Dawg never once punched a hippie.

What kind of morons try to turn the most beloved and successful living Democrat into a racist Republican?"


Alessandro Machi said...

Bill Clinton is the only president in the past 80 years to leave office with a higher approval rating than when he started as president.

Bill Clinton decreased the yearly operating budget deficit each and every year until it became a yearly operating budget surplus.

Bill Clinton was the only 2 term democrat since World War II.

Bob Harrison said...

I'm gonna steal your comment and post it-- we all need to be reminded. Thank you!